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Eight- Simmer

Pan leaned back against the bench in the garden and stretched. It was nearing mid-summer, and she had just finished tending to a few of the plants. She could tell others took care of them as well, and she wondered if Yuri was one of them.

With a frown, Pan kicked some of the soil under her feet. It had been months since she had last spoken with Yuri. Ever since he had suggested what he had about Trunks, Pan had avoided him entirely. The free time she spent with her friends in North City, were with Jin and Gale. They had noticed a change between Pan and Yuri but hadn't prodded. Pan could only imagine what Yuri had told Brai and Koun- if he even told them.

The door to the garden opened up, and Pan glanced up and froze. It was as if the Kai's were testing her because Yuri had just walked out. He had a bag of soil slung over his shoulder, and he stopped in his tracks when he spotted Pan.

Pan let out a deep breath as Yuri sat the bag down. He glanced around awkwardly, and Pan almost got up to leave until he spoke.

"Hey, it's uh- it's been a while," he said.

Pan nodded her head slowly. It had been months, and the whole summer had passed. "Yeah, it has."

"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened between us the last time we talked," Yuri apologized. "I know Trunks is a great guy, and I never meant to insult, I promise. It's just-" he let out a heavy sigh and looked at Pan with a frown. "You're a very special friend to me, Pan. I guess I got a little protective, is all, but I know Trunks is the same with you. I know my worrying that night was too much, and I am sorry."

Pan's eyes widened at the words. Truthfully, after everything had happened, she had thought that maybe she had been too harsh on Yuri. She tried to think of it with Trunks' and Yuri's roles reversed, but it was hard. Although Pan trusted Yuri and they were good friends, it would be awkward for him to stay with her. With Trunks, it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Trunks was protective of her too. He always told her to keep the doors locked when Gohan wasn't home, and that never had made Pan mad. Maybe she had been too harsh with Yuri.

"I'm sorry, too," she told him. "I know you were only looking out for me. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Yuri held his hands up and gave her a small smile. "No harm done, I promise. Can we-" he began before he shifted awkwardly. "Can we be friends again?" He asked.

Pan smiled and nodded her head. She had missed hanging out with him and talking to him. "I would like that," she smiled.

Yuri's shoulders sagged in relief, and in seconds, he was sprinting over to her and sitting next to her on the bench. "Thank you," he grinned. "I've missed hanging out with you."

"I've missed you too," Pan laughed.

"Really, Pan," Yuri's voice was soft but serious. "You forgiving me- it means a lot. You're important to me, and you're one of the only people I have."

Pan blinked and tilted her head. She didn't know Yuri thought that way about her. "What about your Mom?"

Yuri chuckled, "yeah, I have her."

"And the others?" Pan asked gently. "Gale and Jin? And Brai and Koun," she muttered the last two.

"Yeah, I guess-" he shrugged. "But you, Pan, you're my favorite," he smiled brightly. "You're the one I like seeing the most."

There was something unsettling bubbling inside Pan's stomach. She couldn't help but feel awkward and uncomfortable. She was flattered that Yuri felt that way about her, and although he was a friend, she didn't return his enthusiasm for their friendship. Something in the back of her mind was telling her that he meant it as something more, but she brushed it to the side. Yuri was just a friend, and that's all he would ever be.

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