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Two- Friends

Pan followed behind Chi-Chi as she clutched the bouquet of pink roses and white daisies to her chest. The hospital was quiet and smelled strong of cleaning supplies. The walk to the VIP ward was long, and they closer they got, the tighter Pan held onto the flowers. Her stomach twisted with anxious nerves.

Chi-Chi stopped in front of a large door and knocked on it quietly. It only took a few seconds for Bulma to answer it. She looked tired, but she gave them a small smile.

"Hey," she said quietly as she opened up the door.

Pan followed Chi-Chi inside quickly. The room was dark. She forced herself not to glance at the bed because she was almost scared of what she might see if she did.

"How is he today?" Chi-Chi asked.

"He's much better," Bulma said. "He's not as sore, I'm telling you, those Saiyan genetics of his are something. His arm will still have to be in a sling for a few weeks, but it should be healed up completely before summer. He's sleeping now."

"That's great news, isn't it?" Chi-Chi looked at Pan with a warm smile.

Pan nodded her head as she blinked back her tears. She had been so worried about Trunks since she was the reason he had gotten injured in the first place.

"These are for Trunks," Pan said as she handed Bulma the flowers. "I'm sorry he got hurt," her voice shook.

Chi-Chi placed a hand on her back and patted in comfortingly. Bulma reached out with a smile and patted Pan's head.

"Honey, he's okay. Don't worry about it, okay? I told him to come home, but he wanted to find you. I can tell he's thankful that he did, plus," Bulma added in a soft voice, "I think he likes being seen as a hero-" she winked.

Slowly, Pan glanced over at the bed as Bulma put the flowers into a vase and filled it with water. Trunks looked as if he were sleeping. His breathing was calm and gentle, and Pan let out a breath of relief.

"Have you two eaten yet?" Bulma raised a brow. "The cafeteria food isn't that bad."

"I could use a little food," Chi-Chi said. "Are you hungry, Panny?"

Pan shook her head. "Can I stay in here with Trunks?"

Chi-Chi looked at Bulma, who grinned. "Sure, kiddo. I think he would be happy to see a face other than mine when waking up."

Pan walked over to the chair beside Trunks' bed and sat on it as Bulma and Chi-Chi left. The room was cold, as most rooms in the hospital were, and Pan tightened her jacket around herself.

"Is she gone?"

Pan gasped as she jumped out of her seat. Trunks hadn't been sleeping! He was awake!

Trunks leaned up and let out a small wince, and Pan was quick to help him. "I'm alright, Panna," he told her. "I'm just sore," he said as he plopped a few pillows behind his back to help him sit up.

"Why were you pretending to sleep?" Pan asked quietly.

"Because my mother is driving me crazy," Trunks muttered. "With the way she's fussing, you would have thought that I got my arm chopped off or something."

Pan swallowed hard as she looked at the bedsheets. He could have gotten seriously injured, and just because he was protecting her.

"Panna," Trunks said. "Don't be upset. What my mom said is true. I'm happier that you're okay than anything. It's my fault that guy messed with you in the first place," he sighed.

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