The One He's After

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21 - The One He's After

Pan was sickened by the time she arrived at the park. The summer air had a chill to it, and she shivered. She hadn't seen Yuri in years, not since he had pretended to be Trunks.

When she had first gotten the text, she thought about waking Trunks, but her fear of what Yuri might do to Toshiro was high. That little boy was innocent and didn't need to be dragged into some mess.

Pan swallowed thickly as she walked towards the center of the park. She could see a tall figure just under the lights as he leaned against the rails in front of the swings.

"You came."

His voice made Pan's skin crawl. She clenched her fist tightly and forced herself not to shake. "Where is Toshiro?"


Pan snarled, "the little boy you kidnapped to lure me here!"

Yuri's laugh infuriated Pan. She could feel her Ki starting to rise as her face grew warm with anger. "I didn't kidnap him," he said smoothly. "That picture I sent you was from a movie he played in. It was so easy to trick you and get you here," he was still chuckling. "It was just as easy to get you to North City," he smirked.

"What do you mean?" Pan demanded as she narrowed her eyes at him. "In went to North City because of a scholarship, not-"

"A scholarship that I hacked into North City's system, as well as a job for your brother," Yuri's smile turned devilish. "I had to get you there somehow."

Pan wanted to vomit. Had Yuri had that much control in getting her to North City. She hated that cocky look that was on his face, and she opened her palm to gather some Ki when something snapped on her wrist. She let out a gasp as her Ki vanished from her. By her feet was a small white robot and on her wrist was a tight silver bracelet. Pan reached down to tear it off, but no matter how hard she tried to yanked at it, it wouldn't budge.

"Neat, huh?" Yuri said. "It's a Ki control device. You won't be able to do anything as long as that's on you."

Pan went to punch him, but he grabbed her wrist and held it painfully tight. She glared at him, refusing to show him anything other than hatred.

"I know who you are, Yurino. I'm not afraid," Pan declared.

Yuri smirked devilishly. "Well, I'm glad you know who you're dealing with, then."


Trunks couldn't stop pacing across his mother's lab. He, Gohan, Goten, and Goku had searched that park what felt like a hundred times to see if he could find some clue as to where Yuri had taken Pan but had found none. His mother was busy on her computer to pull video footage from the park so they could see what happened and maybe get a lead.

Anger was rampant inside of Trunks, and it was mostly to himself. How could he have let this happen? He shouldn't have let Pan stay up by herself. Why didn't she wake him? There were so many questions, and he didn't have an answer for a single one.

To make matters worse, all of the footage his mother was finding was clean. There was no sign of Pan or Yuri in any of them.

Bulla let out a startled scream, and Trunks turned around to see the screen glitching.

"What's going on?" Chi-Chi asked Bulma worriedly.

"I don't know!" She cried. "It just started to-"

The screen cleared, and on it was a familiar face. Trunks felt himself snarling as Yuri smirked at them all.

"Hello," he said. "My name is Yurino Torao, but my real name is Android Y."

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