A Little Heartbeat

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25- A Little Heartbeat

Pan was sure she had jinxed herself. For weeks, everyone had been surprised that she hadn't had any morning sickness, and Pan herself seemed to boast about it. She figured that Saiyan genes were different, and things like morning sickness wouldn't bother her.

She was wrong. So very wrong.

Pan's world was whirling as she stumbled into her dark bedroom and crawled onto her bed. For the last several days, she had woken up with nausea that lasted nearly all day. To make matters worse, she was supposed to be going to the doctor today for her first proper check-up. She just hoped that she didn't throw up on him.

Her phone started to ring, and Pan didn't look at who it was as she answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Panna? Are you sick?"

Pan felt her cheeks growing hot, and she cleared her throat several times. "I'm okay," she said. "Just morning sick. It's finally hit and here's with a vengeance."

She heard him take in a breath. "Oh, no. Are you taking it easy?"

"I am at the moment," Pan assured him. "I have to get up and get ready for a doctor's appointment here in a little bit."

"A doctor's appointment?"

"Ah, it's a checkup for the baby. It's the first one." Pan almost asked him if he wanted to come. She had wanted to invite him, but she was afraid that it might be too much for him.

"Can I come?" He asked quietly, and Pan's heart started to pound.

"You want to?" She asked.

"Yeah," he said. "I mean if you want me there. I understand if you don't."

"I want you there," Pan said quietly. "I was going to ask you, but it seemed like it might be too much, and I didn't want you to feel like you were responsible for-"

"Panna, stop thinking like that," he told her gently. "I am responsible for it. Memories or not, you're my girlfriend, and that baby is mine."

Pan was growing warm down her body. It took everything in her not to let out a string of giggles.

"Okay," Pan managed to say calmly.

"Okay," he repeated, and Pan could hear the grin in his voice. "I'll be at your house in a little bit," he promised.


Pan let out a small breath as she sat in the examination chair to wait for the doctor. She wasn't scared of hospitals like her Papa, but she still felt a sense of nervousness. When she had gone to the emergency room, the doctors had said that the baby was fine, but she would need a proper check-up. She just hoped the baby was still okay.

Beside Pan, Trunks glanced around the room with wide eyes. He looked at the posters hanging on the wall and fiddled through the pamphlets nearby. He seemed nervous as well, though he was hiding it well.

"Panna," he spoke up as he looked at a pamphlet about developing babies. "Did we ever talk about children?"

"Yeah," she told him with a soft smile. "We talked about our future often. However, having a child so soon wasn't exactly what we were planning. We wanted to wait a few years, but-" she trailed off slightly.

"Life happens," Trunks finished for her with a small grin. "I'm nervous about it," he admitted. "Because it's a new experience, and I don't have the memories I should, but I find myself being excited even more," he grinned. "I think if I had my memories, I'd be bursting with joy."

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