A Gut Feeling

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22- A Gut Feeling

It made sense. Countless of times, Pan had caught Yuri staring at Trunks when they were in North City, but she had thought it was admiration. The real reason why Yuri for angry the night Trunks had stayed with Pan was now clear.

"No matter what I tried, you would always be in the middle," Yuri said lowly. "Why my father tried to take you that night, I will never know, but you weren't the one I was after. You never were."

"Why did you do all those things then?" Pan asked. "You kissed my cheek on New Years'. You tried to hold my hand several times. And then what you did that night. How was that you're way of trying to get to him?"

Yuri let out a deep breath. "At first, I was trying to get your attention away from him," he said. His voice was flat and dull. "When you two started to date, I did what I did because truthfully, I planned on framing you. I wanted it to seem like you cheated and slept with someone else so that he would hate you, And I could comfort him. But you woke up from that little daydream, so I decided to take care of you that night. But again, you survived-" he growled.

Pan straightened her back and narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you really think kidnapping me will make Trunks come to you?"

"I have a plan," Yuri held his head up high.

"So, do you plan on killing me?"

"Eventually," Yuri said before he turned around and walked out of the room.

Pan waited until Yuri was out of the room before she let her tears fall. She took a deep breath to stop herself from sobbing because she felt like screaming. She couldn't understand how everything had turned into such a mess.

Quickly, Pan wiped her eyes. Yuri could return at any time, and she wouldn't let him see her cry. She had to think.

Pan held up the wrist that had the bracelet the little robot of Yuri's had slapped on her. She wondered how Yuri had managed to create such a thing to contain Ki. Pan had banged and hit the bracelet countless times; she had pulled and yanked until the skin around her wrist was swollen and red. It wouldn't budge. She let out a huff and sat her arm back down. Her Ki might be contained, but she was still a Saiyan. There were still things she could do!

Pan closed her eyes and concentrated. The surrounding area was quiet. Faintly she could hear birds chirping and the crashing of waves. Yuri must have taken her somewhere away from the city. Pan knew that even if she screamed, no one would hear it.

The room Yuri had left Pan in was dusty like it hadn't been used in years. Pan got up slowly and started to walk around. The chain around her wrist rumbled behind her. If Pan didn't have the Ki containing bracelet, then it would be no problem for her to break free. She thought that if she weren't so exhausted, she might be able to break free anyway. She was still pretty strong.

Pan let out a disappointing sigh after the room search came up empty. There was hardly any furniture in the room. Just a dusty bed, a dresser with empty drawers, and a bookshelf with old children's books in it. Pan recognizes many of them from her childhood.

The floorboards were sturdy and didn't creak. The window was sealed shut tightly and wouldn't unlock. The door seemed to have been bolted lock. The walls were thick as well.

From what Pan could hear, only she and Yuri were in the house. Even though her Ki was being blocked, she was confident that she could still get away somehow if she tried hard enough.

Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of fatigue hit Pan. Her vision was turning blurry, and her head pounded. She walked over to the chair she had been sitting in and crawled back into it. She wondered what time it was. She had been awake all night and morning.

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