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12- Nightmare

Pan's body convulsed. Her stomach was completely emptied in the contents of her toilet. She was still heaving as she fell back and choked on a sob. Her hands threaded through her hair, her nails gripping her skin as she rocked herself and cried.

Yuri had drugged her. There was no other explanation for what happened. He was the one that had made Pan's drink. And then he pretended to be Trunks and -

Pan couldn't finish the thought. Her chest hurt. She felt as if she had just betrayed Trunks.

As soon as she left the party, she had flown to her and Gohan's apartment. She had gotten lucky; he and Marron were both out on a date, so neither one of them could see Pan.

Pan stayed on the floor for what felt like hours. Her sobs turned into little sniffs as she fought to control her breathing. Her body was shaking as she forced herself to stand. She flushed her toilet, brushed her teeth, and then turned in her shower as hot as she could get it.

The water was blistering hot, and Pan gritted her teeth as it pelted against her shoulders and back. She got her body wash and scrubbed her neck, chest, and stomach until it was raw. Broken sobs escaped her lips as she tried to wash away everywhere Yuri had touched her.

Pan felt a little better as she got out of the shower. She dressed slowly and used her Ki to dry her hair. Dumpling greeted her as she stepped out of the bathroom and meowed at her softly.

Pan let out a heavy sigh and sat at her desk as she looked at her phone. She deleted and blocked Yuri's number. She couldn't even begin to think about what was going through his mind that made him feel like what he had tried to do would be okay. Quickly, Pan dialed a familiar number.


"Mama," Pan nearly broke at the sound of Chi-Chi's voice.

"Panny? Is everything okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah-" she forced herself not to cry as her lips started to tremble. "I - uh, I know my scholarship isn't up, but I want to come home," Pan whispered. She didn't want to stay in North City anymore. She didn't want to stay in the same building as Yuri. She just wanted her home!

"Oh, honey," Chi-Chi's voice was gentle. "It's okay," she said. "Don't you worry about that scholarship. You can finish your last year back home if that's what you want. Are you sure you're ready to come home, though?"

"Yes," Pan sniffed. "I really want to come home. Can I come back this weekend?" She asked.

"Panny, are you okay? You sound like your crying," Chi-Chi's voice was gentle, and Pan could hear the worry in it. "Do you want me and your Papa to come to get you now?"

"No, it's okay," Pan cleared her throat and wiped her eyes. "I'm just homesick, and I really think it's time I come home."

"If that's what you want, then, of course," Chi-Chi said. "Your father and I can come over tomorrow, and I'll help you pack. Does that sound good?"

"Yes," Pan's lips twitched. She was going home!

"Get some rest, okay, Panny? I'll see you in the morning. I love you!"

"I love you too, Mama."

Pan felt so much relief as she let out a heavy sigh. She would be going home.


Marron frowned as she walked up the stairs to Pan's room. It had only been a few minutes since Pan had told Gohan that she wanted to go home. He had been surprised, but understanding. He said that it had always been Pan's choice, and if she wanted to go home, then he wouldn't try to stop her.

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