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14- Recovery

Bulla watched the rain pelt against the hospital windows. It had only been a few days since she donated one of her kidneys. Thanks to her Saiyan genes, she was going strong and was on the road to recovery. She would only need a few more nights in the hospital to make sure everything would be okay.

Pan was doing well. She was still unconscious, but now that her body was stabilized, the doctors estimated that she would be waking up in the next couple of days. They had said that the trauma had put such a strain on her body that she needed plenty of time to rest.

Bulla couldn't even imagine the pain Pan must have gone through. She felt a chill at the thought that someone could want to hurt Pan because she was such a good person. It didn't make much sense. Bulla knew Trunks, Goten, and Gohan, were all investigating, though. She had seen the looks they had given each other.

A floral scent filled Bulla's nose before a bouquet of pale pink roses were held out in front of her. Her eyes widened before she glanced up to see Goten standing in front of her and smiling gently.

"For me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Of course," he said.

"Thank you," she took the flowers from him gently as her face grew warm.

Ever since she had gone out to eat with him at the mall, something had changed in the way she looked at him. She could see it in the way he looked at her that something had changed on his side too. They talked more, and Bulla made excuses to be around him. He had invited her to 'test' more restaurants several times, stating he liked her opinion.

"Did you get Panny flowers too?" Bulla raised an eyebrow.

Goten laughed and shook his head as he sat down on the chair beside her wheelchair. "Your brother has her room full of flowers. There would no place to put mine."

Bulla laughed before she winced and clutched her stomach.

"Are you okay?!" Goten jumped up, alarmed.

"No- Goten, I'm fine!" She grabbed his arm to stop him from running off to find a nurse. "I'm just sore. I just had surgery, so it's normal," she smiled softly.

Goten let out a small sigh and nodded his head. "You know, that was a courageous thing you did," he said. "Volunteering to donate a kidney and all."

Bulla felt her face growing warmer. "Well, I love Pan," she said gently. "She's like my sister." And Bulla knew that one day, Pan really would be her sister. "I'd do anything for her."

"She would do the same for you," Goten said gently.

"I know," Bulla smiled. "Are you hungry?"

"What kind of question is that?" Goten raised an eyebrow.

Bulla had to force herself not to giggle as not to hurt her stomach. "Well, I know it isn't five-stars, but the cafeteria food isn't that bad. Would you like to go get some with me?"

Goten smiled brightly and nodded his head. "I would love to."


Pan let out a small sigh as she looked around the hospital room. She had only been awake for a few hours, but she felt like she was still dreaming. She had woke up feeling heavy, and her head felt fuzzy. Her memory was blurry, and the last thing she remembered was going to bed.

It had surprised Pan to find out that someone had drugged her. It sent a chill through her that she was still shaking from. The police had stopped by and asked her several questions- questions that Pan truthfully didn't have the answer to since her brain was so fuzzy. Thankfully, her doctor had stepped in just in time to shoo them away, claiming she needed rest.

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