Chapter 1

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I'm late again. I'm always late on Wednesdays because I turn off my phone to practice, and who looks at clocks nowadays? Not me. Ace is going to leave me if I don't hurry up to the front of the music building. After stuffing my music into my bag and shutting the practice room door, I hurry up the stairs to find Ace distracted. And his distraction was a very pretty trumpet player named Blaire. Huh. I should've seen this coming because my tall friend with chocolate skin and a big smile had a type, and Blaire fit it perfectly. As much as I like creepily watching my best friend flirt, we are already going to be late to astronomy, which means that all the comfy seats will be taken. This thought propels me forward and has me cutting into the little flirting session going on.

Ace recaps running into Blaire the whole speed-walk to astronomy. Considering a lot of stairs are involved in the walk, I am impressed. Or maybe I just need to spend more quality time with a treadmill. Just as we sit down in the un-comfy chairs at the edge of the planetarium, Ace whispers, "Dude, why haven't you introduced me to her before? You know her and it never occurred to you that she is perfect for me?" I roll my eyes at this because Ace thinks anyone who even slightly fits into his Barbie/Dove Cameron type is "perfect for him". Ace has been my best friend since middle school and I have set him up with people multiple times over the years, but because I'm currently on dating hiatus, it didn't really occur to me to prey on all the girls I know to set up with him right now.

Astronomy goes by slowly, due to the un-comfy chairs, before Ace and I head over to my apartment to have lunch and study. Our astronomy mid-term is in a couple weeks and while I love the class, Ace has been struggling. I think it's only fair because he seems to be doing effortlessly well in everything else. He's always been like that. Lunch and our study session consist of Ace interrogating me every five minutes about Blaire, and while I do know her, it's not super well. "Does she have a boyfriend? Wait, she's not married, right? Have you seen her with any guys lately?" He seems really worked up over the idea of her being unavailable, so I throw him a bone. "I haven't seen her with any guys on social media, but I don't run into her at school very often." This seems to be good enough for Ace before he begs for her social media as I smirk and race him back to campus.

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