Chapter 6

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That whole weekend I'm a little miserable. I watch a lot of Lucifer and eat a lot of ice cream. I haven't even told Ace what happened because it's too embarrassing. It's not like I was expecting anything with Kai, but I didn't think he would be such a jerk. When I call my little sister Sunday afternoon, she immediately picks up on my mood. "Did a boy make you sad again?" When Isabelle says it like that, I really seem pathetic. "No, there's just a jerk in my astronomy class but it's whatever. How are your college applications coming along?" Isabelle lets out a low groan at this, and I feel only a little guilty that my deflection worked. "They're awful and I'll probably be stripping at some club until I'm fifty," she says glumly. I laugh. Isabelle has a perfect GPA and is ranked for the state in tennis. She'll be fine. After some reassurances she feels better, and we talk about the piano competitions I have coming up before she has to hang up.

After talking to Isabelle, I still feel a little antsy, so I decide to go stop by the nursing home a few blocks away. I volunteer there once a week, but it isn't unusual for me to stop by whenever I have time. The residents are so sweet and fun that I even forget about Kai for a while. Maggie, one of my favorite residents pulls my sob story out of me though and recommends I throw water on him the next time I see him. She's a bit of a drama queen. As soon as I get back to my apartment, the weight of seeing him in class tomorrow feels heavy on my heart. What I need is a game plan. I could confront him? No, confrontation should be avoided at all costs. I can't form coherent thoughts around him, so confrontation and water splashing are out. Maybe I could ask Ace to make sure he doesn't bother me. No, that would require me to explain the situation. I fall into a fitful sleep imagining how tomorrow is going to go.

I'm sitting in astronomy, trying not to look around the room for the hundredth time since dropping into my seat. When I woke up this morning, I decided to go with the classic "put on a full face of makeup and ignore him" tactic. I was feeling pretty good about my decision until I walked into class with Ace and realized Kai wasn't there today. All of class I sit there fuming. I get angry thinking about him and then angrier at myself for caring enough to be angry. Ace looks a little afraid of me by the end of class and I decide to just tell him I'll see him tomorrow instead of hanging out with him while I'm in a bad mood. I'm stomping down the steps when I hear "Amelia!" I look up to find Kai, leaning against the wall waiting for me.

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