Chapter 2

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I'm going to class the day before our astronomy mid-term, jogging really because I am unsurprisingly late, when I get a call from Ace. "I'm at Blaire's apartment and I possibly didn't park in the visitor section." He pauses dramatically before going on. "My car possibly got booted because of the possible parking situation and I possibly won't be able to make it to class." He pauses again and I wait for him to finish before I start laughing at his misfortune. "I possibly need you to take wonderful notes, not that you don't already, and cram with me tomorrow before the midterm." Now I let out the laughter, which ends up sounding a little wheezy as I climb the stairs to the planetarium. "I'll possibly take notes for you. Tell your girl I say hi and text me when you want to cram tomorrow," I rush out before slipping into the planetarium with a minute to spare as I hang up on whatever Ace would say next.

As I grab a pen and notebook out of my bag, somebody takes the seat next to me. And wow, that somebody smells really good. His cologne is spicy enough to be manly without going too far and taking it back to the middle school locker room. I feel weird for thinking about how good he smells, so I decide not to make eye contact. Wait but now he's turning towards me so is it rude if I don't look at him? If I seem over-friendly then he might think I'm interested, which could not be more far from the truth at this point in my life. I am over falling in love only to fall right back out of it a few months later.

While I'm having this inner debate,the professor has started talking and I realize everyone is grabbingyesterday's take-home quiz from their backpacks. I start looking around,panicked to see what we're doing with them, and I do a very obvious double takeof the good-smelling guy sitting next to me. 

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