Chapter 19

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The next morning, I get a call from Ace. He's positively livid, rambling about Blaire's ex and her safety. I can hear Blaire in the background trying to calm him down, but I just let him get it out. He'll chill out soon, it's best to just wait. Once in high school, one of Ace's football teammates started bothering me when I wouldn't do his homework for him. When Ace found out, he punched him in the face and then came and ranted to me for two hours about how he wanted to beat him up some more. He really is the best friend in the world.

Forty-five minutes later, Ace is winding down on his ramble and I'm finishing up homework. "So, we all need to stay inside on Halloween and lock the doors," Ace states. Woah, I haven't been paying attention, and I guess I underestimated Ace's reaction on this one.

"Umm, you and Blaire can stay in, but I should be fine to go out." "Are you crazy?!" Ace practically screeches through the phone. "Blaire has a stalker. That means he's seen all of us together multiple times and could attack you or something. You're even injured, you can't fight back!" "Ace, he's Blaire's stalker not mine," I try to reason. "But I promise to be careful and not stay out too late." Ace puts on his sassy grandma voice, "Oh no you will not be going out alone on Halloween night with guys pawing at you and a stalker on the loose young lady." I roll my eyes so hard, Ace could probably feel it. "Look, we can finish this conversation tonight when I go over to your apartment." Ace grunts, "I'm bringing backup."

When I get over to Ace's apartment that evening, I learn who the backup is. Kai. I saw him just two days ago, but somehow, he is shockingly attractive all over again. He's standing by the windows with a fierce expression, like the stalker is going to just plow right through the window at any moment. I'd giggle if his protectiveness wasn't such a turn-on.

Ace ushers me over to the couch to sit with Blaire and locks the door again before completely shutting the blinds. Kai and Ace then make their way over to us, standing imposingly over us. Uh oh. "Girls, we know you want to go out, but that's really just not a smart idea right now," Kai says in a deceptively calm voice. I have the dangerous desire to push him tonight, so I do. "Well dad, we aren't just going to wander around dark alleys drunk, asking to be murdered." Kai's eyes light on fire, and Ace glowers over at Blaire as she snorts.

"There's no need to take unnecessary risks," Kai says, and I feel his calm starting to crack. I decide to give one more little push. "Well, you don't have to take any risks, but I can take my own," I say with a smirk. Kai lets out a little growl before blurring into action. He tosses me over his shoulder and stalks down the hall until we slam into the bathroom. Oh man, I definitely pushed him.

Kai sets me down on the sink, leaning in with his arms on either side of my head. He's breathing hard, and I'm holding my breath, waiting for something to happen. Anything to happen. He stares at me for a few seconds before giving another little growl and inching his face closer. My breath hitches and I can't think. I don't even remember what universe I'm in, much less the reason for the argument. Kai runs his nose along mine before ghosting his mouth across my cheek. My hands settle onto his hard stomach, itching to slip under his shirt.

"Baby, promise me that you'll stay with me all of Halloween." I feel each puff of air against my cheek as he speaks. I can't understand English with him like this, so I just give my head the tiniest shake. "Wrong answer baby. You get one more try, promise to stay with me." Kai's voice gets impossibly quieter as he says it and when I pause too long, he nips my earlobe with his teeth. Suddenly, it doesn't matter what he said. All that matters is that his mouth is on mine.

My, "I promise," barely makes it out before his lips descend.

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