Chapter 8

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            I've performed in front of judges and crowds, I've practiced in front of teachers and other students, but playing for Kai feels special. I peek over at him as I do a quick warm-up and he's not just watching my hands like people often do. It's like his eyes are soaking all of me up. I decide to play a Chopin ballade that I'll be using for my next competition. It starts off beautifully light before transitioning into a storm of notes that crash into the air. I put everything into it and feel like I've run a mile by the end. I hesitate nervously before peeking over at Kai, hopefully I didn't bore him. He's still staring at me but doesn't make a move to leave or speak. I guess I'll have to go first. "I know classical music isn't for everyone, so I get it if you weren't a big fan." Kai lets out a weak laugh. "Amelia, that was incredible. You were absolutely captivating, and I could listen to you play for hours. Plus, I happen to have a basic appreciation for Chopin." I gape at him because no way he knew that was Chopin. He can't be that beautiful, work with puppies, AND like Chopin. He smirks at me like he knows exactly what I'm thinking. "I have to leave for a class soon, but can I listen to you play again sometime?" "Of course."

All of Tuesday, I think about Kai's reaction to my playing as I go to class, teach piano lessons, and go on a short hike. He's becoming a serious distraction. I just can't decide if I should stop seeing him at all or let this thing we have run its course. Maybe I'm jumping the gun and there is no "thing" or "us" at all. I still haven't made up my mind about what I want when I meet Ace to walk to class on Wednesday. "Oh hey, you're earlier than usual today," Ace greets as we step out of the music building. I just shrug because I can't trust myself not to start talking about Kai. "Blaire and I wanted to see if you want to go ice skating this weekend. There's an indoor rink an hour away that Blaire has been dying to visit. You could even end your dating strike and bring someone if you want." "Skating sounds fun but I like being your third wheel too much to bring a date." Ace sticks his tongue out at me because he's mature. I'm honestly a great third wheel and don't mind hanging out with the two of them. Ace has always gotten along with my boyfriends in the past, so I try to be friends with his Barbie babes.

We walk into the planetarium, and I force myself not to look for Kai as I pick a seat and plop down. I might have picked a spot that had a couple empty seats on the other side of me. Purely random. If he's already sitting somewhere else, it wouldn't matter anyways. I'm getting my notes out when I see movement coming towards me. I can't even try to pretend I'm busy and look straight up to see... not Kai. I internally groan. The guy walking towards me is chatty, always asking annoying questions or giving long answers. He sits by me occasionally, but I usually just ignore him. Unfortunately, we've already made eye contact. He gives me a smile and puts out his hand for me to shake. "Hi, we've been in the same class for over a month, but I don't think we've talked yet. I'm Roland." I give him a tight smile back and try for a quick handshake, but Roland has other plans, squeezing my hand for several seconds before letting go. I should probably tell him my name and say something friendly... I just don't care enough, plus, he gives me bad vibes. Roland's smile slips. He starts saying something but is interrupted by our professor who starts talking. Phew. I look over at Ace and see that he hasn't noticed my unease with Roland; he's busy on his phone.

Roland doesn't bother me until class is wrapping up. As I start packing, he grabs my wrists. "Hey, why don't we go grab lunch after this. You seem a little shy, but I promise I'm a nice guy." I'd laugh if his grip wasn't so tight. I look over to Ace for some help, but suddenly my wrist is free and instead of Roland staring me down, it's Kai. His eyes stay on my face as he says, "I don't think she wants to go anywhere with you. Maybe you should apologize for making her uncomfortable and give her some space." "Woah, mind your business," Roland says. This has Kai taking his intense gaze off me and glaring at Roland. Kai takes a step towards Roland and leans into him, saying something that's too quiet for me to hear. Whatever it was scared Roland enough for his to mumble sorry and take off in the opposite direction. Huh. Scary and protective Kai has my ovaries doing cartwheels. The man himself turns back to me, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for taking care of him; it was a neat trick, scaring him off like that." Kai gives me an infuriatingly gorgeous smirk, "It's no trick Amelia."

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