Chapter 28

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One month later

The brace is off my left hand, so I can really start practicing again. When the cast came off a few weeks ago, I thought the brace would allow for enough movement to play a little bit of piano, but I couldn't get enough fluidity out of my hand. The doctor warned me not to strain my wrist before I left. Meaning I could practice, but only for short periods at a time.

Even before playing the piano, the first thing I did with my newfound freedom was hold Kai's hand. I had only ever gotten to hold him with my right, and I felt robbed. He held my hand the whole drive back from the doctor's office. We still don't like letting go.

The Cameron situation is mostly over now. It had been really rough for all of us the first couple of weeks, but it felt like we were all moving on now. There would sometimes be guilt in Blaire's eyes or fear in Kai's that would take more time to heal. Or maybe they would haunt the deepest corners of their minds forever like ghosts. I certainly needed more time for the moments of panic to leave me for good.

Kai went back to sleeping at his place after a few nights, but sometimes I would have nightmares or panic when someone bumped into me too hard. Needless to say, I hadn't been back to a party since. Overwhelmingly though, I felt lucky to be safe and so grateful to Kai. I just hope he never has to save me again.

I look back down at the keys of the piano, gleaming in the light of the practice room. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to be patient with my wrist. I want to dive right back in but won't risk any injury. I feel confident that I'll be back up to speed by late spring, which means I can compete in the next round of competitions.

My phone pings with a text from Kai. He says that he's picking me up for a date after he gets off work tonight. I smile. He takes me out often to do all sorts of stuff. We've gone to basketball games, symphonies, cafes, and even a drive-in movie in the short time we've been dating. Kai absolutely spoils me.

I send off a quick response and turn my phone to silent, focusing back on the keys beckoning my fingers. During every break for my wrist, my mind goes back to Kai though. 

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