Chapter 24

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This is bad. This is really, really bad. I thought I would be safe staying around people, but people see me and pass by without noticing that anything is wrong. I want to scream or beg for help, but he's already got a knife at my back, he could kill me before I get away. So I just keep walking up the stairs.

Blaire's stalker snakes an arm around my stomach, pressing me into his chest as we move down the hallway. He's crushing my wings in his grip but hasn't hurt me yet. I can't feel his knife pressing into me anymore. I know it can't be far.

When we get to a room at the end of the hall, Blaire's ex pauses and nods for me to go in. I feel like this is my last chance to run, but the hallway is empty of help and I'm just so scared. My hand shakes as I twist the doorknob and push the door in. I take a hesitant step in and see what must be a guest bedroom. It's got a clean queen bed in the middle of the room with just a nightstand and dresser. The door clicks and locks behind me. I'm too scared to turn around and look at him, so I look for another way out of the room.

There's a window but we're up pretty high. There's a door at the back of the room that must lead to a closet or a bathroom. Maybe if I can get to it and lock myself in, that will give time for someone to find me. I'm sure Kai is looking for me downstairs, frustrated that we got separated. My stomach drops. What happens when Kai does find me? Will Blaire's ex hurt him? Kai doesn't know about the knife and who knows what else.

Suddenly there's a grip on my right wrist. I gasp and whirl around. Blaire's stalker is right in front of me, but I never heard him walk up. It's my first good look at him and I'm surprised. He's tall, with tousled white-blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He would be handsome if his mouth wasn't pulled into a deranged smile and he wasn't absolutely insane.

"Why Amelia, thank you for being such a good girl. I was just hoping to talk to you about Blaire and Ace. I've loved Blaire for years, but with the distance between us recently, she seems to be forgetting that we're meant for each other. Blaire is my world, and I belong in Blaire's. Ace is a nobody. Just a distraction."

He looks down at me with a little gleam in his eye, grip tightening. I'm too scared to try and pull my wrist back. I'm too scared to ask why he took me up here. Tears start to build in my eyes.

Blaire's ex keeps squeezing my wrist tighter and tighter, watching me silently cry. It isn't until he brings his other hand and places it gently on my neck that I whimper. He smiles then. "Amelia, I think we're going to make a little movie for Ace."

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