Chapter 12

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The next morning, I get up early to practice again before meeting Ace and Blaire. Playing yesterday felt great, but I'm feeling scattered and anxious today, and it comes out in the music. I get a couple things done before I decide to stop before I get too frustrated.

On the car ride, I only get more and more nervous. Something is definitely wrong. I go through a mental checklist of things I did before I left my apartment. The stove isn't on, the lights are off, I locked the door behind me. I try to focus on the conversation Blaire and Ace are having, but the dread is just growing in me. I suddenly wish Kai were here. I laugh at myself because I don't even have the guy's number. I settle for rubbing the spot on my palm he kissed.

When we get to the rink, I feel like I could be sick. Blaire notices first, "Oh my gosh, are you okay Amelia?!" I give her a shaky smile that probably looks a little scary. "Yeah, I just feel a little weird, go ahead and I'll meet you on the ice in a minute." Blaire nods and heads over to put skates on, but Ace gives me a hard look. "What's wrong? Do you feel sick or anything? Are you pregnant? You can tell me if you are. I'll always be here for you; you know that right?" Wait, what? That took an unexpected turn. "Ace, calm down. I'm not sick or pregnant, but I appreciate the loyalty." He still looks suspicious but only nods and goes to join Blaire.

After a minute of deep breathing, I decide I've just psyched myself out about falling and getting hurt. Honestly, what are the odds? I decide to ask Google. They results weren't very encouraging, so I just beg God to keep an eye on me under my breath as I pull on the skates and waddle over to the ice. After a few minutes of awkward skating by the wall, I get into a nice groove. Ace is somehow already skating backwards and trying to help Blaire, who should stick to trumpet rather than ice skating.

Blaire, Ace, and I are all walking out to the car when my nightmare happens in seemingly slow motion. I'm crossing the street to the parking lot as two little boys come barreling towards me. They're laughing and shouting at having escaped their mother, but there's a car coming. The man driving isn't going very fast, but he's not paying attention. I rush forward to shove the boys backwards. The boys end up crying on their butts but they're out of the way. It's me who's in the car's path now.

I tryto jump out of the way, but the car's side mirror hits me hard in the hip and Ilaunch to the side. My natural reaction is to try to catch myself as I fall. Asmy left hand hits the ground, I feel a sharp pain and cry out. My arm crumplesand my whole body hits the ground. Suddenly Ace is there, yelling for someone tocall 911. He keeps asking me if I'm okay, but I'm crying too hard to answer. Hetries to pull me up, but suddenly I'm dizzy and everything hurts. My visionstarts to go dark as Ace tells me the ambulance is here. He sounds so far away.I close my eyes, and everything disappears.

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