Chapter 21

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Kai keeps a hand on my waist as we walk up to my apartment. He always leaves a gym bag in his car with an extra set of clothes, so he didn't need to stop by his apartment before settling in with me for the night. A small part of me is terrified about Kai staying with me this weekend, but there's a growing part of me that likes where we seem to be headed. I should 100% figure out my feelings before we kiss again though. And Kai deserves to know why I have some reservations about relationships.

When we get into the apartment, Kai changes into sweats and settles on my couch, asking if I want to change and watch a movie with him. It's possible I've died and gone to heaven. He looks absolutely delicious like that. I'm staring and practically salivating when Kai quirks an eyebrow and asks if I'd like a picture. I decide that I would. I whip out my phone and take a quick picture before he has time to move. That will teach him.

Kai's still laughing by the time I change, brush my teeth, and join him back on the couch. "How did the picture come out?" he teases. I shrug and toss my hair like I didn't stare at it while brushing my teeth. Kai just snorts at me and pulls me closer to him so that our sides align and my cast is sitting on his lap. He frowns down at it before saying, "How bad is it that I just want to lock you up in here forever with me so that you don't get hurt?" "That doesn't sound bad at all to me," I whisper. "Don't say things you don't mean." "I'm not sure about a lot of things right now, but I did mean that," I say. His green eyes keep me frozen as a little frown graces his beautiful face.

"What kind of things aren't you sure about?"

"Umm, there are a lot of things. What we'll eat tomorrow, if I can make it in piano, you."

Kai's frown deepens at my admission and I just want to make his frowns go away. He's handsome no matter what, but I want to make him smile. I keep comparing my feelings about him to my past boyfriends, but I wouldn't want Kai to compare me to other girls. Just because I regret past relationships or haven't had long-term boyfriends doesn't mean I should push him away.

I drag in a deep breath, but Kai stops me from speaking with a shake of his head. "It's okay Amelia, we don't have to do this tonight. I promised we could be friends and I don't plan on breaking my promises to you. It's been a long day, so we can just watch the movie tonight." I consider letting it go, but when I see the sadness in his eyes, I ache to make this right between us.

I lean into him and thread my fingers of my right hand in his hair, turning his face to mine.

"Kai, I've been scared of you because I haven't had much lasting success in boyfriends and you are the sweetest, hottest, smartest, greatest man I've met. If you still want to be more than friends, I would be the luckiest girl on the planet."
It's like the world stops again and it's just the two of us. Kai looks like he's been carved of stone as he stares at me. It's like he's in shock, but slowly what I said sinks in and different emotions start taking over his face. I see surprise, relief, hunger, awe, and happiness. He ends up with the smile I've been dying to put on his face. He leans down, touching his forehead to mine.

"I would be the luckiest guy in the universe."

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