Chapter 25

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I stare numbly at the scene in front of me. Blaire's crazy ex, who politely introduced himself as Cameron while binding my feet, is setting up a tripod across the room pointed right at me. I'm kneeling on the bed, with my feet tied together and my arms bound behind my back. My right hand isn't tied because the cast made it difficult, so instead a zip tie digs into my elbows.

Cameron warned me that if I screamed, he would stab me on camera and leave it rolling as I bled out and died. I believed him and have stayed silent. I now watch him as he adjusts the camera one more time. "Good girl. Now just stay quiet while I talk, and keep looking scared, it works for this scene." I give a little whimper as the red light starts blinking and he comes to sit beside me on the bed. Cameron just puts his hand on my knee, looking like he's comforting me but digging his nails into my skin.

"Ace, it seems that I've met Amelia. I think it's so cute that you guys have been best friends since you were kids. You've seen Amelia grow up, seen her laugh and cry, seen her change." At this Cameron releases my knee and slides his hand up my thigh until he's gripping my waist, but he never breaks eye contact with the camera.

He continues, and I start to silently cry again. "Blaire has been like that for me. We were each other's first everything, and we'll be each other's last everything. You are just a bump in the road. You don't belong with her." As Cameron speaks, his voice grows softer and more fervent. It's terrifying.

"But Ace, what you've forced me to do is make you a deal. You'll have to let Blaire come back to me if you want Amelia to be safe. I promise I'll take good care of her for twenty-four hours, but after that Amelia might be in bad shape." Cameron turns to look at me again and brings his other hand to wipe away the tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. I flinch at his touch and he laughs softly. "When you leave Blaire alone, I'll leave Amelia alone."

He stares at the camera for a few seconds before walking over to it and turning it off. Then he quickly starts packing up the tripod and grabs a bag sitting by the door. "Amelia, you were such a good girl, thank you. I'm afraid that I lied though. I won't be taking good care of you." Everything around me goes cold and I scuttle further back on the bed, trying to get away from him as he zips up his bag and faces me, holding the knife.

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