Chapter 3

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Wow. The man looks even better than he smells. Thick brown hair cut short frames a face with light green eyes, thick eyebrows, and a sharp jawline sprinkled in scruff. It's not until he quirks an eyebrow that I realize I have spent at least ten seconds staring at him in awe. There's really no way to recover at this point so I just shove my quiz at him and think of different countries I could flee to. I've always wanted to visit Poland. He gives a little laugh as he passes our quizzes down the row before leaning into my space again. It's a nice sound. "Where's your friend today?" My eyes cut back to my genetically blessed seat neighbor as I slowly process his question. "Who?" is the best response I can manage. He smiles like I gave the right answer before motioning to my side, "Your friend who usually hogs you all of class." Oh, he must be talking about Ace. "Um, he couldn't make it today." Before I can ask why he was curious, our professor claps her hands and dives into a review for the midterm.

I impress myself with how focused I stay during class, but I do enjoy breathing a little more than usual with that spicy male scent in the air. As class ends, I remind myself I want nothing to do with boys because they never last more than six months with me. My ovaries basically scream, "But that is a MAN," as my seat neighbor stands up and starts putting books into his backpack. He's tall, over six feet. I really want to know his exact height but decide I should run before I embarrass myself further. As I get up and start shoving things unsystematically back into my bag, he makes sure I embarrass myself some more by handing me a book that had started to fall off my desk. As look up at him to say thank you, I see he's not smiling anymore. Even his contemplative face is very attractive. I get caught staring before murmuring a quick thank you that puts a smile back on his face. After staring at him a couple more seconds, just because I can't help myself, I run out of the planetarium and back to the music building.

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