Chapter 9

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Whatever the heck that means, I decide not to question it. I'm deciding on a response when Ace taps me on the shoulder. "Uh, did I miss something?" Understatement of the year right there. I decide to play it cool. "Nothing much. This is Kai." Kai cuts me a look that says, "Nothing much?" before smiling at Ace. "Hey, it's nice to meet you," Ace says as we all start walking towards the door. "You too man. I have been secretly coveting your shoes the past couple of weeks." Ace lights up like a Christmas tree. Apparently the two guys have much to discuss in the topic of footwear, and by the time we're out of the building Kai and Ace are talking like old friends.

I start in the direction of my apartment when Ace stops me with a hand on my shoulder. "I got a text during class from Blaire. She said it's an emergency and I have to run over there now. Sorry I can't go to the nursing home with you today." "That's fine. Let me know if you or Blaire need anything later." Ace smiles at me. "Thanks, I will." I think he'll walk away but instead he looks over at Kai, "You want to go with Amelia to the nursing home? She volunteers there all the time and today we're supposed to bust out the Halloween decorations. It's a pretty big deal." "Of course, lead the way Amelia," Kai says casually, like he gets invited to decorate nursing homes all the time. Ace gives me mischievous grin before waving and taking off in the opposite direction.

"You really don't have to come if you're busy or something," I tell Kai as we walk. "I wouldn't agree if I were busy or something." The man's got a point so I don't say anything else as we walk; it's not an awkward quiet though. I subconsciously shift closer throughout the walk until our arms are almost touching. If this were a movie, we'd brush arms while walking and feel a spark. Then we'd have a heavy make-out session or something. Either my blush gives me away or Kai is a mind reader because he asks, "What are you thinking?" I'm thinking that running off to Poland is looking more and more necessary. I answer with, "Just wondering if you'd be okay with stopping by my apartment to put my stuff down before going to the nursing home. It's on the way." He cocks an eyebrow. "Amelia, that wasn't what you were thinking but I'll let it go. Stopping by your place is fine." How could he possibly know?! "Alright. You can leave your stuff there too if you don't want to carry it. You just need your ID to check in." 

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