Chapter 26

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"No, no, you promised," are the hoarse words that come out of my mouth as Cameron advances on me. He shakes his head and "tsks" disapprovingly. "You shouldn't trust people so easily, Amelia." My back meets the headboard right as he reaches the foot of the bed.

It's only then that I scream. I scream desperately, loudly, praying people will run in here and save me. Praying that I can be back in Kai's arms. Praying Ace never has to see that video.

Cameron looks shocked by my screams for a second, like he can't believe I'm misbehaving, before rushing at me. I try to shove myself off to the side, but I'm not in peak physical condition between the accident and the zip ties. I manage to avoid the knife but his other hand grabs my shoulder. My scream is cut off as he slams me into the headboard. Hard. My breath rushes out of me and my vision goes dark for a second. Just as Cameron brings the knife towards me, the door bangs open and something flies at Cameron. Someone flies at Cameron. Kai flies at Cameron.

Instantly, my voice is back and I'm screaming hysterically. I try to crawl to where Kai and Cameron are wrestling on the ground, but I just face-plant into the bedding. I can't see them anymore, but I hear their grunts and the slam of fists. I'm so afraid. Kai can't get hurt. I keep screaming and crying and trying to wiggle so that I can see Kai.

Finally, more people start pouring into the room. I hear shouts as guys come in and help Kai restrain Cameron. Someone calls the police. A pair of hands is on my arms, trying to pull me up, but I flinch away and scream louder. I don't stop screaming and trying to get free until the hands are pushed away and I hear Kai's voice.

"Baby, baby, are you okay?" I hear his panic before I see it in his eyes. He gently flips me over on the bed so that I'm leaning back on my right arm, looking up at him. I'm shaking, just staring at him, unable to make a sound because I'm afraid I'll just scream again. Kai's eyes are wild, scanning me up and down several times, stopping on the little bloody nail prints in my knees each time.

I can't look away from his face as he forces himself to calm down and slowly pulls me to the edge of the bed. Kai's here. Kai's making sure I'm okay, which must mean he's okay. Once I'm sitting at the edge of the bed, Kai, still keeping his eyes on me, asks someone to get a pair of scissors. We just sit there silently staring at each other until someone comes back and hands them to him.

Only then does Kai take his eyes off of me to cut the zip ties at my feet and then arms. He moves slowly, being as tender as possible. When my hands are free, they sit limp at my sides. I see a bruise forming around my wrist where Cameron gripped me. Kai sees it too and his eyes go wild again, breath sawing in and out. I realize that I need to take care of him too.

I reach up and place my hand on Kai's stomach. He goes still, the rage receding. We stay that way silently for a couple minutes until we hear the police sirens. Cameron's been taken downstairs and there are only a couple other people in the room with us now. I know that the police will have to take our statements, but it just feels like too much right now.

I slide my hand around to Kai's back and pull him towards me. He comes willingly and cups a hand behind my head as I lean my forehead onto his chest. "Kai, you didn't get hurt did you?" I whisper. He moves his other hand to my cheek, pulling me back so that I can look up into his eyes. "Amelia, if you're okay, I'm okay." I scan his body to make sure I can't see any blood on him before nodding and returning my forehead back to his chest.

Kai just keeps holding me to him, even when the police come and ask what happened. Even as a medic checks us over. I'm grateful his hands never leave me.

We both remember what happened the last time we had to let go. 

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