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Five years later

"We're out of time, but great job on the Scriabin piece," I say. My student, Cindy, smiles. She's a freshman in high school and incredibly talented. I've been teaching her for two years and I know that if she wants to, she can play anywhere. Cindy smiles back shyly, "Thank you. I'm hoping to get a good recording next week for a competition." I nod back at her, "It'll be wonderful."

After Cindy leaves and I practice for an upcoming concert I'm doing with the LA Philharmonic, I pack up from the studio and head back home. Kai must be back by now and is probably making dinner. We decided to try and get pregnant a couple months ago, so he likes to have dinner ready for me after I finish teaching so that we can get back to the bedroom as soon as possible. That's his excuse anyways.

I walk in to find Kai exactly how I expected, devilishly handsome with massive amounts of food on the table. It's like he wants me to start eating for two before there's even a baby. His cooking has only gotten better over the years so I don't complain.

"Welcome home babe," he says as he draws me into a hug. I inhale his scent that I'm still obsessed with. "Thank you. How was work today?" "Good. Ace and Blaire even brought in their new dog from the shelter, but I missed you." I just laugh and move out of his arms to help set the table. "This is where you tell me that you missed me and could barely focus," he says with a playful frown. I laugh.

"I missed you and could barely focus," I say, playing along. Kai's face morphs into a wicked grin. "This is where you tell me that you'll eat quickly so that we can start working on that baby." This time, my laugh is cut off as he spins me around and crashes his lips to mine.

Even now, his kisses stop most of my brain function. As we come apart, I lean in and whisper, "Why don't we start with that and come back to dinner?" Kai needs no more encouragement as he tosses me over his shoulder and runs up the stairs.

"I'll love you forever," he whispers into my hair later that night as he puts a hand over my stomach. I smile.

Kai has the greenest eyes. Kai has a smile that warms me from the inside out. Kai has a voice that speaks loving words. Kai has hands that hold me tight. I'm his forever, and he is mine.

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