Chapter 11

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Kai sits next to me in class that Friday, chatting easily with Ace and giving me handsome smirks when he catches me peeking at him throughout class. It's more often than I'd like to admit. If I can't stop myself from looking at him, I at least need to get sneakier.

The three of us are walking out of class when Ace brings up ice skating again. He wants to make sure I'm still on for tomorrow. Honestly, the more I think about it, the warier I become. It would be a lot of fun, but I can't afford even a small injury to my hands this close to piano competitions. My whole life has been turning down invitations to do things that could be dangerous though. I can't even go bowling the week of a performance or competition because my wrist feels off. In the end, I tell Ace I'll be there and just promise myself I'll be careful.

Kai walks me to the music building and asks if he can listen to me practice again. I don't feel any tension between us, but that doesn't mean my own heart isn't confused. I end up giving in. "Today I'll be practicing for a while to prep for a couple competitions, so feel free to head out whenever you need to." "I've got an hour before I need to head to the animal clinic. I'll just listen and read for a class while you play. It won't distract you right?" "No, go ahead. My sister, Isabelle, used to blast her music while I practiced, so I can tune almost anything out while I'm playing." Kai gives a cute little laugh at this. "It's incredible to see how focused you are; I really admire that sort of dedication." I shake my head, "It's scary how much I love it sometimes. People tell me that it's a waste to study music. They always ask how I'll make money, but I can't imagine doing anything else. Even during the times I don't love it, it's what I do." Kai smiles at me like he's proud. "I'm glad you're playing. It really is incredible." And with that, I start spilling my soul onto white and black keys.

The hour is up quickly, I love whengood practice sessions move swiftly like that. It isn't until Kai is by thedoor that I notice he even got up. I stop playing to say goodbye, but when Iput a hand up to wave, he lightly grabs it and places a kiss on the center mypalm. My heart speeds up and my brain freezes as Kai gives the sweetest smileand leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him. I sit there rubbing the spothe kissed, wondering how on Earth I'm supposed to keep him in the friend zone. Wonderingwhy on Earth I should even try.

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