Chapter 14

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I wake up feeling, well, feeling like I've been hit by a car and my dreams crushed. After painfully getting up to shower and use the bathroom, I lie in bed, too exhausted to make food. Putting the elastic wrap back on my torso was a long and painful ordeal. Thankfully, I have the best friend in the entire world. Ace has a key, so after calling to let me know he's coming over, he lets himself in.

Ace comes armed with muffins, juice, ice packs, and at least five pillows. He tries to get me set up as comfortably as possible, which is virtually impossible, before he lets me devour the muffins and juice. He sets timers for ten minutes to ice my side and wraps the ice packs, so they aren't too cold. He is being so wonderful, but I don't want to talk about anything yet. Of course, Ace can sense my mood, so he just plops down next to me and turns on Lucifer.

After dinner, I force Ace to leave. "Dude, I'll be fine. You've fed me and made sure I have a whole setup going on." "Yeah, but you were literally hit by a car yesterday. I deserve to be worried about you. I mean, have you seen yourself? Half of you is turning purple." I wince at that. "Sorry," he mutters. "Just promise me that you'll call if you need anything at all." "I promise. You're the best friend a girl could ask for, Ace." He smiles before making sure all my medications are by my bed and leaves.

Now it's time to do something I really, really, really don't want to do. I have to call my teacher and tell her what happened. It is almost like there's hope of this not being real until she knows too. But I have to do it now. I'm desperate for the call to go to voicemail, but she answers after the second ring. "Sweetie, hello, what is it? Are you practicing now?" I start to shake. "No, Ms. Sparrow. It's...something happened yest–" My voice cracks. "Something happened yesterday." Her breathing goes quiet on the other side, almost like she can feel what's coming and thinks that if she's silent, I will be too. "I was hit by a car and have a scaphoid fracture in my left wrist." Ms. Sparrow gasps. "Oh Amelia, no. Sweetie I'm so sorry." She starts to cry, and I realize that I am too.

We stay on the phone that way for a few minutes, each lamenting the death of my big breakthrough. She speaks first, "Sweetie, were you hurt anywhere else?" "No, just some deep bruising along my right side. The doctor said I might be able to play in ten weeks." "Alright then Amelia, get some good sleep and we'll talk more this week." I hang up without saying goodbye. My heart feels like the rest of me, battered, fractured, and bruised. 

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