Chapter 20

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I could have just agreed to give away all my internal organs and it would be worth it for this kiss. His mouth is warm and needy over mine. We skip over the awkward fumbling and sloppiness of first kisses because Kai knows exactly what he's doing. He slips his tongue in and I can only clutch at his shirt, incapable of thoughts that don't relate to Kai's mouth.

A few minutes later, Kai and I are startled apart by banging on the bathroom door. We're breathing hard as Ace shouts for us to get out of his apartment because "only Blaire and I are allowed to get hot and heavy in that bathroom". Kai firmly takes my hand before walking me straight out of the apartment and to his car. I can't even argue with the fact that he buckles me in next to him while my car is sitting a few feet away. I could barely walk, arguing or driving myself will take time.

Kai is silent as he drives. He won't even look at me. Everything's starting to sink in and I'm freaking out.

Fact: I just had the best kiss of my life with my friend who previously stated he wanted to be more than friends.

Fact: He is giving me the silent treatment after basically kidnapping me.

Fact: I am equal parts frantic to kiss him again and dying to run away.

As we near my apartment, I start to panic. Does he expect this to go further than a perfect make-out, because I'm not ready for that. Is he just going to drop me off and never talk to me again? He wouldn't... would he? These questions play on repeat until I notice that the car is stopped in front of my apartment and Kai is looking expectantly at me. There can't be blood anywhere else in my body because my cheeks are blazing.

I start frantically fumbling with the seat belt when Kai's hands come and cup my face. I freeze and look up at him. "Amelia, are you okay?" What a loaded question. "I'm fine, thanks," I respond because obviously "I'm fine" means "the world is ending". For some reason Kai's eyebrows draw down at that and he looks a little bit hurt. I don't like that look on his face at all. "So you don't want me to stay with you this weekend? I promise I'll sleep in the living room and won't touch you."

"What??" I blurt out before I can stop myself. Obviously, I missed something. Kai's frown deepens. "I offered to stay with you because of everything going on with Blaire, and you look like I asked you to give a televised speech naked." I can't help the sigh of relief that escapes me, "Oh my gosh I didn't hear you and I thought you were waiting for me to leave." The pain and frown flee Kai as he shakes his head. "Baby, the last thing I want is for you to ever leave."

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