Chapter 16

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Kai whips up lunch for us and I won't lie, watching him cook melts my brain a little bit. The man makes a decent stir-fry. After we eat in a comfortable silence, he tucks me into bed before laying down next to me, head propped up on his hand as he looks down at me. "Amelia," he sighs, looking pained. I reach up and smooth back his hair, feeling brave. "Yes?" He leans into my touch, and it feels like I've won the lottery. "Ace only told me the basics of what happened before I ran over here. Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you don't."

It's my turn to sigh now. "I just pushed a couple kids out of the way of a car and didn't move fast enough." I hold up my left hand in its cast. "This is the main problem. I should be happier that I'm okay, I realize that, but I had a few things coming up that I have to give up now." At least I'm not crying as I say it. Kai frowns and cups my cheek in one hand, "Baby you can be upset. I'm so sorry you got hurt at all and I'm so proud that you went and saved those kids." Well, now I'm crying again.

Through the tears I tell him everything. I tell him that I knew something bad was going to happen and didn't listen. I tell him how much it hurt and how afraid I was for those kids. And I even tell him about the concerto I can't play now and how I kept it a secret from everyone else. Kai's quiet through it all, just brushing my tears away and cupping my face. After I spill everything, he just stays there with me, fresh pain in his eyes like he lived it through my story. I fall asleep with his hand still cradling my face.

I wake up as the sun is setting and find Kai gone. The disappointment feels heavy on my chest. I must have scared him away with all the tears and blabbering. Gosh, I just dumped everything onto him, it's so embarrassing. I go to scrub a hand over my face and cringe when my cast slaps my forehead hard. I had forgotten about that. I toss back the covers to find some food when a sticky note floats to the ground. Picking it up involves a lot of groans, but when I do get it, I see that it's a phone number. Kai must have left it.

I decide to send a short text because I'm not sure where his head was at when he left.

"Hey, thanks for lunch and everything. Sorry for crying all over you...twice. I promise it won't happen again."

Kai's response comes in quickly.

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

Hmmm so he's either pissed or flirty. Texting is tricky that way.

"Well, thanks anyways."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I had a class to run to and I'm at the clinic now, but can I see you tomorrow? I can bring whatever food you're in the mood for."
Dang, he's bribing me with food, how am I supposed to reject that?

"I want Thai."

"Then baby, we'll have Thai."

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