Chapter 17

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The week passes quickly. I'm either sleeping, moping, or being catered to by Ace or Kai. A couple other friends stop by to see me, but they keep their visits short, unsure of how to handle me. I'm still unsure how to handle me, so I don't blame them. Luckily though, the bruising and swelling have gone down considerably on my right side, so I look less like an ogre.

It's strange walking to class from my apartment. I'm so used to meeting Ace by the front of the music building that it feels wrong to walk alone this way. Everything feels a little wrong lately. Everything except for the time I spend with Kai. He's just been so incredible, he listens, provides food, and takes care of me. I love our time together, but I'm scared because everything still feels so new. We're friends but he calls me "baby" and has spent so much time with me lately. Maybe he does that with all his friends? Oh, I really don't like that idea.

I'm still jealously thinking about Kai with other girls, even though I have zero ownership over him, when I slowly make my way up to the planetarium. Stairs feel like death right now. I've only gone up three steps when hands gently grip my waist. I look back to see Ace, trying to give me some support so that I can make it up before the next world war starts. "Thanks," I manage to get out between gasps as we get up a couple more steps. Ace grimaces, "I don't think I'm helping very much. Would it be easier if I carried you?"

Hmm, I try to weigh the embarrassment of being carried up against the pain. I haven't answered when Ace is suddenly replaced by an angry looking Kai. Man, he's so hot when he's mad. Without a word, Kai scoops me up. His gentle movements are so at odds with his angry expression. Ace must see something I don't because he just laughs and follows us up the stairs.

The world feels slowed down in Kai's arms. He's cradling me to his chest, and I can feel his heart beating, it's almost as fast as mine, which is saying something. I snake my right arm around his neck, pulling me closer to him. His heart speeds up further. This gives me some courage, so I lay my head against his chest, breathing deeply. He always smells incredible. I must have said it out loud because Kai whispers, "Thank you baby," in a hoarse voice.

I look up at him, my breath hitching as we make eye contact. His pupils are blown wide, and his angry expression has been replaced with something that looks like awe and restraint. We stare at each other for a long time. Eventually, Ace clears his throat, "Um, we should probably head in now." The spell is broken, and I look around. Kai and I are blocking the door into the planetarium, so we have quite the audience. My cheeks go up in flames. I start squirming to get down. Kai sighs and gently lowers me, but he takes my hand right afterwards and leads me to a seat.

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