Chapter 18

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Over the next couple of weeks, I start to have a new normal. I go back to all my classes, teach piano lessons, and move around with less pain. My former practice time consists of me studying piano music I want to play with bulky headphones on or hanging out with Kai.

Aside from the few times I thought I would literally combust from the desire and tension between Kai and I, he's kept it perfectly platonic. It's infuriating. I want more, and it's clear why with every interaction we have. He's gorgeous, intense, kind, and supportive. And let us not forget that he saves animals. Just last week he took me to the clinic to show me around and I saw him cuddling a one-eyed cat; I could make good money selling calendars of him with animals.

But as much as I want Kai to be more than my incredibly hot friend, I don't say anything. A, he could have changed his mind about the whole offer to be more than friends. B, I am now a commitment-phobe because of my past relationships. And C, maybe I only feel this intensely about him because of circumstances around my injury. I'm so confused with my own head and heart that I'm starting to annoy myself. My inner dialogue is just full of dramatic arguments about Kai. Ace asks me about it sometimes, but I don't ever go into much detail. Kai has quickly become his friend too, and I don't need any snitching going on.

I sigh and take off my headphones. I haven't even been listening to the Beethoven concerto I was supposed to be studying. I've been putting off listening to this piece because it's the concerto I would have played for the concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra. I called to let them know what happened and they were sorry, but there was no way to move the concert date. I cried for an hour before I decided I needed to move on. When I eventually get famous and write an autobiography, this will be great content. Like a phoenix out of the ashes, or whatever.

I'm about to put the headphones back on when I hear a knock. My pulse speeds up at the thought of it being Kai. I brush my fingers through my hair before going to open the door. Instead of Kai, I see Blaire standing outside my door with tears in her eyes. Blaire and I are friends, but we don't usually hang out without Ace.

"Oh my gosh Blaire, what's wrong?" I say as I open the door and wave her inside. She sniffs. "Nothing, nothing. Just wanted to drop by and see how you're doing." Bull. "Blaire. Seriously, you can tell me anything, and if you want it to stay between us, I can do that." Her tears start to fall, "Okay. Thank you. Just let me have one second."

By the time Blaire has finished her story, we're both crying and hugging on the couch. "Blaire, I'm so sorry. I think you should tell Ace though." "I want to, but I'm afraid that he'll do something that will get him into trouble." I sigh because she's probably right. "That's a good point, but if he finds out from anyone else, it's going to be even worse." "You're right, thank you." We sit together for a few more minutes before she gets up and solemnly announces she'll go tell Ace what happened. I hug her one more time and whisper "good luck" before she leaves.

The rest of the evening I can't focus at all. Blaire's story was so messed up and scary that I'm jumpy. Apparently, she's been getting weird notes for the past few weeks, and today she saw an ex-boyfriend from high school sitting in his car across from her apartment. The notes weren't threatening, just random like, "The pink dress is pretty" or "I don't like your red lipstick". Blaire decided to go talk to him and tell him to stop, but their argument got heated and he started threatening her.

She called the police, but by the time they showed up, he was gone. He said some really nasty things to Blaire. I'm glad she decided to tell Ace what happened even if he'll turn ultra-protective and try to find her ex on his own. Ace and Blaire are so cute together, and Ace seems more serious about her than any of his past girlfriends. He'd go to the end of the Earth for her.

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