Chapter 22

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The next morning, I'm greeted by a shirtless Kai flipping pancakes when I walk into the kitchen. This man turns everything he does into art by taking off his shirt. I stare at his broad shoulders and muscled back until my stomach growls. Kai tosses a wink over his shoulder and I realize he must have heard me walk he knows I've been ogling him. And not to objectify the man, but just wow. It's the first time I'm seeing his abs and I pray it won't be the last.

I walk over to Kai, still staring at his chest, when he sets down a plate of pancakes on the table. "I wish we could play house every day like this," I say instead of a normal "good morning". Kai laughs and I finally look at his face to notice he's blushing a little bit. Wow, he just got cuter. "Well baby, I'm glad you like what you see." "Yeah, the pancakes look great," I mutter and finally turn my attention to the food. I have to admit, they actually do look great too.

After breakfast, I start my attempts to convince Kai to come with me to a Halloween party tonight.

"Pleaseeeeeeee Kai! Halloween is my favorite and I already have my costume and told everyone I'd be going."


"You can come with me and stick right by my side the whole night. I don't even like drinking, so that won't be a problem either."

"Baby, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Then baby, come make sure I don't."

At this Kai pauses, and I can see I'm making some progress. It's the first time I've called him baby and both of us notice. I decide to keep the momentum going and grab his hand, threading our fingers together. "Please baby?" Kai sighs. "Fine, but I'm really not letting go of you all night and you have to promise to be on your best behavior." I squeal and give Kai a tight hug, because I love Halloween, not because I wanted to feel his abs. "Thank you!" I say and give his peck in front of me a quick kiss. He chuckles and mutters, "You're going to kill me." I don't respond because just wait until he sees me in my costume.

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