Chapter 30

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The next day, I feel worse. I went to sleep last night thinking about Kai's lips on mine and now I can't stop dreading our inevitable ending. I fall in love so quickly, but I miss every bad thing until it hits me like a train. I completely understand the saying, "blinded by love".

It's not like I think Kai is perfect. He's a little secretive and can be intimidating, but they don't bother me. Honestly, they aren't even bad things for him, they're just different from me. But will I grow to hate it one day?

I'm absolutely plagued with doubts as I make my way through the day. Finals are next week, but I can't focus at all. Ace tried asking me what's wrong when we walked to class together, but I deflected. I'm not ready to voice the thoughts yet.

Sitting by Kai in my astronomy class is almost torture. Almost, because he still smells incredible and makes me feel safe even as my heart twists. Before he can notice anything up with me, I make an excuse about needing to meet a friend to study and ditch Kai and Ace. Kai frowns like he knows I'm lying, but doesn't say anything. It's just another perfect thing about him that I'll resent when we're over.

I practice and then run into a few friends in the piano studio who are going out to dinner. They invite me to tag along, and because I'm too much of a coward to face anybody else right now, I agree. We end up going to a popular family-owned cafe near campus. It's cute and the food is pretty good, so I can't complain. I just imagined that I would come here with Kai.

Right after the food comes out, I grab my phone to take a quick picture. I can't help that they serve everything on colorful little plates and have flowery tablecloths that make for very postable pictures. I realize that I never turned my phone on after practicing. It's the first time I've forgotten since meeting Kai.

After hitting the power button, my phone vibrates as missed calls and texts come in. There are calls from Kai, Ace, and Blaire with a few voicemails. Crap, they must be worried. I didn't really tell anyone my plans and we're all a little on edge after last month.

I open Kai's texts first.

"Let's grab dinner when you're done for the day. You seemed a little off today so we'll get ramen from your favorite place."

"Are you still at school babe?"

"Amelia, I'm starting to get worried."
"Where are you?"

"Please call me"

"Amelia, please"

My hands shake a little as I type out a quick response telling him where I am and that I just forgot to turn my phone back on after practicing. I'm such a jerk for not thinking of how worried he would be. I would be a nervous wreck if he went off on his own after acting strangely and didn't contact me.

Almost as soon as I hit send, Kai calls. I motion to my friends that I have to take a call and step outside to answer. I feel nervous, like I've been called to the principal's office.

"Amelia," Kai says with a strained voice as soon as I swipe to answer. "Kai, I'm so sorry. Right after practicing I ran into a few friends in the studio who invited me out to grab dinner with them. I didn't realize I had left my phone off until now." There's silence for a few seconds. Right as I hear Kai inhale to start speaking, Chase, a sophomore composition major who I know the least out of the group I came with, walks out from the cafe. 

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