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When I opened the door laughing my ass off at something my pops had said, that smile quickly faded away seeing Kaylah's face and Tray ass right along her side. I honestly thought I was dreaming til I blinked and they were still standing there hell I wished I was dreaming because Kaylah eyes were darted at me not even blinking. I wanted to run and run fast but my legs felt like jello and I wanted to speak but my mouth felt like it was sewn shut. After about a minute Tray finally brushed passed me with the bags he had. I knew it was all Kaylah's shit. I blew out of deep breath finally once I got my words together.

"Kaylah what are you doing here!?".

I tried so hard not to yell but I was furious that she disobeyed my orders.

"Oh I know you are not getting mad about this, us coming here, you left me remember!".

"Of course I am and Yea I left I did it for your safety. Dennis has his-".

"Fuck Dennis!".

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face as she babbled on in her broken spanish. This girl was so damn hard headed. I turned around to see my dad and Tray talking so I closed the door to give us some privacy. I had to keep my cool. My face was real hot. I was really that mad.

"Kay' why didn't you do as my note said?".

" Oh that shit, don't call me I'll call you! and you ignored all my calls Lucky!, I had to at least call you 10 times!".

I chuckled. "Try 26 but go on....".

"Oh so now this is a joke to you?"

with those words she practically slapped the taste out of my mouth.

I looked off from her for a minute in stuck my hands in my pockets to stop myself from doing anything I'd regret.

"Nah nah it's not".

" Whatever Lucky!"

"Dammit Kaylah! you need to head back to New York".

" No! I should have been with you here in the first place not way over there so that-".

"With me Kaylah!?. ..are you fucking serious right now!?..They're trying to kill you why the hell would I bring your ass here with me!".

By then the tears were in her eyes. She covered her face and shook her head in tears.

" Be-be-cause ..I me".

Hearing her say that made me want to cry but I am just like a man, men don't cry that easily. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her pulling her closely to my chest.

"Kaylah you know I love your ass, your my life, I would literally die without you, don't ever say I don't love you".

She lifted her head and smiled. As I wiped her tears, I kissed her lips multiple times.

" I love you girl".

" I love you too Luckynzee".

"Ay don't get fucked up on this porch now".

She chuckled.

"You ain't going to do shit".

"Yeah I am, watch when we get into the bedroom, I'm doing a lot of shit to you".

" Ay dios mio...yoour so nasty".

She laughed and playfully pushed

me back.

"Nasty nah but freaky yes!".

I pulled her back to me and kissed her slowly.

"Look Kaylah besides me being mad, I am glad your here though".

"Really baby...?"

"Hell yeah daddy was getting too horny and I couldn't take care of this alone".

She busted out laughing and I hugged her tightly and kissed her yet again then we headed inside so she can see my dad. Everyone chatted for awhile and my dad was glad they were here with us, he thought it was best but I didn't think that but I kept those thoughts to myself. After eating and my dad and brother went to bed, I sat in the chair watching Kaylah do the dishes. She looked so sweet and innocent. Her body looked great in the yellow pants and white flowered top she wore. Her hair was in a bun soon to be messy bun after I am finish with her. She turned to place the last dish in the sink in I eased up behind her.

" Lucky what are you-"

"Ssh ssh don't speak".

I slid my hands down her breast and into her pants. I undid her zipper in one move than pulled them all the way down along with her panties getting on my knees. Kaylah already knew where this was headed so she gripped my hair as I backed her against the counter.

" I missed you both"

"We missed you too daddy"

Her voice was in a moaning whisper.

which caused me to lick my lips because that shit turned me on like crazy.  I kissed her stomach and then went lower to  tongue kiss her clit.

"aaahhh mmmm daddy I missed you"

She had her leg up more and her fingers all in my hair. She was driving me insane. I pulled her lower body closer to my mouth making sure all her wetness stayed inside me.

"Aaahh ahhh lucky mmmm".

I smiled inside knowing she was losing it too. I didn't stop though. I wanted to please her til she couldn't breathe.

" Fuu- fuu- Fuck aahh ahhh don't st-stop"

I did as I was told and begin twirling my tongue around like I was licking a bowl clean. Than i stuck it in an out her pussy, slow than fast. She went super insane.

"aah aaahhh ahhh I'm cumming! lucky I'm gonna cum!!"

Ignoring her words I lifted her ass up and placed her up on the counter so that she couldn't get away from daddy's tongue. She begin to yell at a point so I took her panties off the floor with my free hand in shoved them in her mouth. After her cumming two more times I finally let her go. She removed the underwear, breathless and panting for air. I chuckled as she begin getting dressed.

"Fuuuuck that was incredible!".

" I know right".

"Yea yea but if you ever shove my panties in my mouth again, I'm shoving my foot up your ass".

She punched my arm as I busted out laughing.

"Well ay now you can see why I love eating you up!".

She shook her and then we headed upstairs to sleep.

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