
141 11 1

"So what's on your mind?".

I laid there on Kaylah's thigh in silence as she begin making circles with her finger around my breast.

"What makes you think anything is on my mind?".

She shifted in bed and sat up a bit more causing me to look up at her.

"Because Lucky, after sex everyone has something on their minds".

I chuckled as I scooted myself up so that we were neck and neck.

"I don't know what makes you say that, but okay, cool. So what's on your mind then?".

"Ah! no way I asked you first".

I rolled my eyes.

"Um...well want the truth right?"


" Ok...Life".

She stared at me with a confused face.


"Yes, life, life is on my mind".

Kaylah smiled then caressed my cheek.

"What about life Lucky?".

"Shit. A lot. ".


I shifted than sighed. I really didn't want to get into my thoughts on this. I knew what I meant about life but I didn't want to even bring those thoughts into my head.

"Well if you must know, I think about what's going to happen every day, like if I am going to get kill-".

Kaylah jumped onto me in covered my mouth.

"No no no stop! Lucky, stop right now!".

"Whaaat! you asked-".

"I know that I asked but no! I don't want to even think about life without you".

"See Kay' that's just it, we need to think about this stuff and I do think about it every day because there's no telling what will happen when I step foot-".

" Luckynzee Sanchez if you don't shut up right now! ".

" But babe-".

"Never mind it okay, I get it".

She got up out the bed and stared at me

"It's 5am. I'm going to shower, you can join me or not".

I sighed rubbing my face.

"Go ahead, I just need to get some air, I'll be back up soon".

She shrugged and headed to the bathroom. I put on my clothes and headed down stairs, I stepped in the kitchen grabbing an green apple out the fruit basket and headed out the front door.

I had a lot on my mind. I kept thinking about if I was to die, what will Kaylah do? will she move on instantly or will she love me so much that she'd stay single? So many thoughts entered my mind and I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe I better prepare for the worse sooner than later because I might just be going soon enough.

As I sat there enjoying the fresh crisp morning air and my apple, I heard noises inside.

I guess everyone's awake now.

I sighed and stared out into the streets. I really missed Los Angeles.

I bit into the apple hearing again loud noises in being annoyed by it, I decided to head back inside.

"I wish y'all would keep it down it's too early for all that!".

I yelled up the stairs but got no replies. I headed into the bedroom to see the water still running in the shower but no one in it.

" Kaylah...?"

What the hell.

I quickly walked into Tray's room to see it was also empty and the same for my dad's room.


I quickly ran into the room and grabbed my gun I kept in the closet top. I headed back down stairs to find there was a note on the door in that the door was half open. I ripped off the note and read it

We have your family.
No need to question who we are because your a smart woman Lucky. Come down to the old warehouse on Clent and Stone if you think you'll be able to get them back. See you soon.

I balled up the note and shook my head enraged with so much emotions. Dennis really had no idea who the hell he was messing with but he was sure in hell about to find out.

See you soon Dennis.

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