Story of my life

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I woke up around 10am. Usually I'm up around 8am. I sighed heavily in stood out of bed and that's when I figured out why I was so tired. My freaking period started. I grabbed hold of my pillow and screamed into it. I got up in went to my bathroom bottom cabinet to see I ran out of tampons. Shit. I hated being a chick. I quickly used the restroom than ran a shower, cleaned myself up and got out tossing on some sweat pants and a white beater. Anytime I was on the rag I'd always wear comfortable clothes. Since I had no tampon, I substitute it with a rolled stack of toilet paper. Boy I felt nasty. I finished tying my shoes and ran downstairs.

"Dad I need some money!", I yelled as I reached the bottom seeing him eating an apple.

"Lucky, I gave you money already, its not my fault you choose to not spend wisely".

I sighed.

"Well I didn't know my damn period would start or else I would have spent wisely on tampons sooner!".

My dad gave me a look and laughed, "You women in your issues".

"Well if we didnt have these issues, we wouldn't be here!".

I pointed to me in my brother.

Dad gave me money and I left out the house. I didnt ask Tray for a ride cause sitting down on periods is so uncomfortable to me so I walked. I bought two packs of tamps at the nearest Walmart and finally applied one on. I felt great!! Once I went back home and fixed myself up again, I decided to head to the mall to just look around at cute girls. Once I got to the mall, I spotted Kaylah at the snack bar so I approached her.

"Hey girl".

She jumped only because I touched her at the waist. I laughed.

"Way to almost give me a heart attack uhh what was your name again?"

"I didnt give it remember".

She smiled than a crowed of girls called out our way. I'm guessing her friends.

"Uh sorry whatever your name is, I gotta go".

I smiled and grabbed a hold of her hand, we made eye contact.

"My name is Lucky".

She smirked, "Well nice to finally get a name, thanks, see you around!".

She ran off to her friends. I stared as I watched them gossip among themselves and to my surprise Kaylah looked back and smiled.

Damn I need her. I jogged out the mall only to be knocked down from running into my favorite boy.

"Damn girl where's the fire!?", laughed James giving me a hand off the ground.

"It'll be in your pants once I kick your dick off!", I teased kicking at his area as he covered up with his hands between his legs.

"Ay ay stop!!".

I laughed, "What you doing here?"

"I am playing big brother to this kid, uh I came to pick him up early from the mall because I have something to do".

"More like a girl to do".

We shared a laugh.

"Yeaa true, anyways he has to be home in two hours so I might as well get him now".

The kid finally ran out the mall. He was dressed in jeans in a black hoodie. He was brown skinned with a nice hair cut. He was at least 10. James pulled him closely in looked at me.

"Isaiah this is the homie Lucky, Lucky this is my lil buddy Isaiah".

We shook hands. He smiled so happily I melted.

"Nice to meet you Lucky uh are you a gang member too?".

James yanked him back.

"Uh look Isaiah you can't be asking all my friends that..just go over there!".

Isaiah looked sad as hell and I felt bad.

"Uh look James you go on with your girl and I'll watch him just call me when you finish".

"Cool, ay I owe you for this!"

We side hugged and he ran off.

Isaiah approached me smiling.

"Ready to do something fun!?"


I wrapped a arm around his shoulder and we headed back towards my place. On the way, Isaiah and I talked and got to know each other, he was a very smart kid so there was no need of telling him I was into girls. Once we go there Tray was confused on why I had a kid.

"Oh hell nah Lucky what you do?".

I rolled my eyes and signaled Isaiah to go towards the PlayStation 3 located in the Den.

"Tray quit being a ass, this is my home boys lil homie, I'm just watching him for awhile".

Tray smirked.

" My sister who hates kids watching a kid, oh I have to see this!".

I chuckled, "your such a dick!".

"And your a dyke".

For 30 minutes me and Isaiah played Gear of War than we switched to GTAV. I was actually enjoying myself and Tray hating ass was watching, waiting for me to fuck up but I didn't. I was father of the year right now. Time went pass and James let me know he was on his way and that was all good but I was enjoying my time with Isaiah, so I let him know anytime he needed help with the kid, I got his back.

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