End it all

469 20 3

In the morning I got myself dressed, put my phone on the charger and headed down stairs to eat breakfast. I had a lot of planning to do so there was no better way to start the day  than to eat my favorite brain food. I went to the fridge to grab the milk and got the Fruity pebbles cereal off top. I poured a huge bowl and started munching. I loved fruity pebbles. When I was finish I put the bowl in the sink in ran some warm water.

"I'll let that sit a bit".

I ran back up stairs and got my cell phone off the charger and saw 2 missed calls and a voicemail. I checked the voicemail message.

[Hey Lucky, its dad....]

"No duh".

[...Your brother and I are going to the lake fishing, will be back later tonight so please child keep the house clean, and no partying...and...and none of your punk boys-!!]

Tray yells out. Dad sighs heavily.

[…Luckynzee just be safe honey, will talk tonight over fish and chips]

I hang up the phone and sigh.

"If only they knew".

I look back at the phone calls and stare at Kaylah's number. I couldn't have her in the mix of this bullshit so they're was only one thing to do. I called her up in waited.

"Um hey...".

"Hey...we need to talk".

"Well I'm not home, out shopping with my girls".

"Okay well please let me know when your back or I can come there".

"Yea that's fine, I'll be here, text me".


I hung up before she could even say those 3 words or even if they crossed her mind. I didn't need to go there right before I was going to break up with her. I felt bad as hell but it needed to be done. I jogged downstairs with my hoodie over my shoulder and headed out. I arrived at the mall in texted Kaylah, she said her girls just left in to see her by the Chicken soup food court. That place food tasted like mud. They never seasoned the food right. It was so dry but people stayed eating there.

I got to her and she half smiled. I didnt return the smile though or else I'll let my guard down.

"Uh we need to talk".

"Well sit down".

"Can we just head out?".

"No, I'm enjoying the mall, you wanted to come here, I said that you could if you wanted".


"Soo...what... are you here to yell at me some more?".


"Okay then..".

"Uh about Isaiah, it wasn't your fault but I am very sorry for accusing you".

"Thanks for the apology".

I nodded trying not to look at her so much. She already looked sad, sad but cute.  I sighed.

"Uh look, I think its best for now if we-".

"Oh god! are you serious right now!?".

"Kaylah let me explain!".

"No need to! I am not a idiot to the break up lines Lucky!".

"Look you don't understand!".

"Forget it! Forget you! I was the idiot here!".

She stood up to leave but I jumped in front of her.

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