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Tray was sitting there fiddling with his thumbs. I sighed knowing that there had to be a reason he was really here in New York visiting us and not just because he missed his little sister. I got closer to him.

"Soo um what really brings you here bro?' cause I know damn well you are not here cause you just missed me".

He stared at me.

"Ay come on now Tray what's up, its not dad is it?".

He shook his head smiling.

"Calm yo ass down Lucky, don't you think that'll be the first thing to come out my mouth if it was, dad's fine".

I nodded, "okaaay....soo what is the damage?".

"Well I was hoping you didn't think too much about this visit but since you did, its Dennis, you know one of those bitches you hung out with".

"What about him...?"

"Well word at Wire High is he's the new shit now since you killed off James and he's looking for you to take care of what James couldn't".

I had no choice but to laugh my ass off. I laughed so hard I fell off my couch.

"What the fuck Lucky! does it seem like I'm telling you a joke?"

"Heeell yeah".

I climbed up wiping tears off my face.

" Ooh my sides hurt ooh Tray when did you get so fuunny".

"Sis this is serious!".

" Aiight aiight".

"I'm for real! what about Kaylah'?".

What about her? you know she'll be safe with me, I won't let anyone touch her!".

Tray sighed.

"I know that sis but look people are dangerous and what if he has a whole army and...

" and so what! I will be ready to take out Dennis ass".

"See that's your problem, reason dad was always pissed with you, your a female Luckynzee stop this gang shit"

"Oooh so now I am in a gang?"

"You sounded like one".

"And you sound like dad!"

We were both standing there staring at one another.

"Whats going on...?".

Kaylah was standing in the hall.

" Uh nothing babe".

"Lucky don't lie to me".

Tray shook his head in headed to the front door.

"I'll catch up with you another time".

He slammed the door and Kaylah came by me.

" Lucky what's going on?'.

I sighed staring at her face.

"Don't worry about this, ima take care of it".

"Why won't you answer me!"

"Kaylah just let it-'.

" No! answer me!".

"Dennis might be coming to find me but I won't let him hurt you or me, I will handle this".

" I can't believe this! we came here to have a fresh life, no drama!".

"I know....".

"What are we going to do?".

"Nothing, but if he shows his face, everything".

Kaylah stared at me with sad eyes.

I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.

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