Now's the End

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I had full rage but betrayal inside as we left the house and even though Tray was beside me, I still felt alone. He kept glancing at me every now and then so I decided to question him.

"Alright look if you have something to say just say it dammit".

" Alright how'd you find out about James crooked ass?".

I chuckled.

"Well see my lil partner Isaiah, may he rest in peace tried to warn me for awhile ago but I was to blinded by James reputation that I wasn't focusing...."

I paused for a second fighting back my tears.

"It took him to die for me to start listening".

Tray grabbed a hold of my shoulders and made me face him.

" Look sis, I'm sorry I really am and I should have spoke sooner but pops wanted us to wait, James see, long story short James is our brother and he moved away with him mom when we were kids, dad and his family didnt get along so they left and we lost all contact ".

I nodded.

" James figured you were related and he wanted to make you join him just to hurt us but seeing as you became the head poncho he had to take you out".

I laughed.

"Well jokes on him".

We walked a little more into the street from the house than I saw Kaylah's shadow in her window.

" Uh Tray hold on, look there's no telling if will live or not so before we do this, let me go say goodbye to my girl, matter of fact, you come too, I haven't properly introduce you guys".

We approached the door and I texted her to open up. She came looking a little shooken up.

"Babe wassup? you alright?".

" Lucky you shouldn't be here...".

Tray gave me a weird look and shrugged.

"Oh my apologies, before i forget Kaylah's this is my brother--".

" Tray yeah I know look--".

"Hold up! how do you me I--".

" Look you guys need to go!!".

"How do you know me?".

I looked at Tray than stared at her.

" Kay' answer him".

She sighed.

"Kaylah is there something your not telling me?".

" Look Lucky if you loved me you'll just go home, please babe".

Kaylah's eyes showed a sign of hurt in they were also telling me that we weren't alone. I quickly grabbed at my gun but before I could do anything else laughter filled the room.

" Well Kaylah I guess I underestimated you...".

James approached us taking my gun and patting down Tray retrieving his gun as well.

"See I knew that your girlfriend would be here before she came to kill me".

He laughed up a storm yelling that this is the best thing to ever happen to him and how he's going to now be King. I signaled Tray with my eyes and mouthed him  to snatch Kaylah and run. He kept saying no but I wasn't about to loose no one else that I loved.  As soon as James turned away looking towards Kaylah, I pushed him making sure Tray had Kaylah out of the house. I grabbed a hold of one of the guns as me in James fell for the ground. I was finally able to get one and he was about to rise to his feet but I already had the gun pouting at him.

He smiled.

"Alright alright Lucky, quit playing hero and hand me the gun".

" Oh so you can kill me!?".

"I don't kill my friends".

"Oh right, you have Dennis in them do your dirty work like they did Isaiah".

He chuckled.

"Well see he deserved it, cause no one steals from me".

" His parents stole James!! not him!!".

I had almost pulled the trigger at that moment.

"Well yeah true but I don't like snitches in my crew, especially lil snitches that were down with me til a pussy came in trying to run my shit!!!.

"Ah I see...."

I chuckled.

"Cause I don't like dicks who fuck with the people I love!!!".

I knew I shouldn't have but I did. James brains were splattered on the floor. I dropped to my knee's and cried. Tray came back inside along with Kaylah in they watched me, than finally Tray removed the guns.

10  minutes later the cops arrived, we told our stories and they didnt arrest me, said it was self defense.

From that day on, I promised my dad that I would always check in, I respected my brother for staying with him and holding the house down, and me in my girl moved back to New York to live in peace.

Life couldn't be Better.


Thanks for reading!!!!

Hope you all enjoyed!!!

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