Taking care of business

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I ran back upstairs to get all of the guns I had hidden in my room. I grabbed the bag of bullets and tossed everything else in it as well, once I was finish, I rushed downstairs in put everything into the car. I got in, started the engine and drove quickly to the warehouse. As I  arrived, I began to see that it still looked abandoned as always and that was probably the reason Dennis brought my family and my girlfriend here because no one even bothered to check it on a daily basis.

I drove slowly into the empty lot and shut off the engine. I grabbed three guns putting two on my sides and the third in my leg harness. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car completely and once I was out, I noticed my hands were trembling like crazy

"Come on Luckynzee you can do this! you got this! when were you ever nervous about anything?!".

I shook my head, because I really shouldn't have been nervous at all but this time it wasn't just Kaylah being kidnapped and my brother wasn't by my side to help me so I had to be extra cautious about what moves I make because I knew that Dennis didnt care about killing any of them as long as it could hurt me, he was happy.

I walked in slowly and got to the huge doors, I pulled them apart in walked in the warehouse.

"Well well miss Lucky, I was wondering when you were going to show up or shall I say we were wondering".

I shot a look at Dennis standing on a balcony up top than looked around to see my family and Kaylah tied up in a circle.

"Now I know your a smart woman and I am sure that you have a gun or two at hand but you won't want to use those guns or else, they'll die".

Dennis lifted up a remote and smirked.

" Let them go man! its me you want anyway".

"That is true, I do want you, I want you dead but I had a better idea as time passed, I rather them die for your actions".

I stared off to see my family and Kaylah faces.

" Dennis this is our fight! not theirs".

"Well I know that Lucky, I'm not stupid, I just want you to suffer more and.......".

I sighed watching him speak and as he spoke, he was waving the remote, I had a idea as my eyes never left it being waved around. Kaylah cleared her throat getting my attention and as I stared she shook her head because she knew exactly what I had in mind.

" Because you are a very tough girl but someone has to teach you a lesson and.......".

Soon a Dennis turned around once more, I quickly pulled out one of my guns knowing this was a very risky move I was making but I pulled the trigger anyway hitting the remote causing him to drop it, causing it to land on a pole a little further down.

"You bitch!".

"Takes one to know one".

Dennis begin to run down the flights of stairs getting his gun out as I ran for my family and girlfriend untying the ropes. I handed Tray one of my guns just in case Dennis had guards or hidden somewhere.

"Tray take this and get them out of here!".

"Lucky I'm not leaving you!".

"Kaylah we don't have time for this right now! you and my dad need to follow my brother!".

She looked super disappointed but I really didnt care. Suddenly Dennis began to shoot but the area where we were crouching down, he couldn't hit us.

"Pop we can't let her stay here he's fucking shooting at us!".

"That's why I have these".

I pulled out my two guns and returned fire.

"Y'all need to go now!".

My dad and Tray ran out and Kaylah snatched away my gun, ran and began shooting causing Dennis to dunk and shoot.

"Kaylah noo!!".

I took my other gun and begin shooting as well but once I realized no one was returning fire, I paused.


"I am sorry Lucky but she's not going to be able to answer you at the moment she's a bit unconscious".

I looked in his direction to see Kaylah passed out in his arms.

"Let go of her Dennis".

"No no I kinda like her smooth skin touching mines, I see why you are attracted to her".

"I'm going to fucking kill you".

" You can try".

With that being said he tossed her down and begin shooting again. I ran around barrels and steel appliances returning fire.

"Someone's going to die today!".

"And it's going to be you!".

After 5 minutes of shooting I noticed Kaylah getting up, that caused Dennis to follow my gaze and a smile crept upon his face.

" Kaylah run!!".

He aimed at her and I aimed at him


I saw Dennis go down as I hit him twice in the head. Knowing he was dead I ran Kaylah's way to see her bleeding out from her side


I texted Tray to call the police then I grabbed her up and kept her head lifted.

" Is he dead?".

"Yes babe, yes".

" Am I dying?".

"Shh shh no no you are not, I'm getting you to the hospital".

Kaylah smiled and placed her hand on my face.

" Luuuckyyy....".

she coughed


Tears fell from her eyes and some fell from mine

"Your the the greatest thing that has happen to me".

" No babe don't speak like this, your your going to be okay..."

Tray ran in to see the moment and 10 minutes later my dad ran in letting us know the ambulance was here

"Everything is going to be okay sis".

I cried into Trays chest as they took her. Then my dad got the car ready and we followed behind them.

We didnt bother telling them about Dennis, I let Tray know after we see how Kaylah was doing that we head back in burn the warehouse down.

We waited for almost 2 hours before a Doctor told me she was going to be okay. I cried and thanked god for keeping my baby with me. After seeing her, we let her rest and the doctor let me know she was able to leave the next day.

My life was finally back to normal and we didnt have to worry about anything else. I smiled at my family in nodded

Now I really have everything I need right here.


Enjoy Reading on... This Book Continues for more drama ... :)

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