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"We can't stay here Lucky!".

"Kaylah what are you talking about?"

"He's coming for us, what the hell you think I am talking about!".

" Babe you dont even have to worry about that bitch".

"Ohhh really Lucky ..why because you killed James you think your the damn shit"

"Sure, Im like Scarface".

I laughed but she didnt.

" Newsflash Scarface died".

" Kaylah chill, nothing is going to happen to me or us".

She was running her fingers through her hair.

"You don't know that Lucky!".

" I know enough! ".

" And what's that!?".

" I know that I will do anything to keep you safe! That I will never let anything happen to you as long as I am living! I know that with me around you don't have to ask for shit, I'll give you the world Kay".

She was silent. She closed her eyes in let out a deep breath.

"I don't want you doing anything else for me this way, this is not what our relationship is".

" Kaylah I--".

"I'm just sick of this Lucky. I love that you wanna protect me but you really shouldn't be having to look over your shoulder either, your still a woman and its dangerous".

I reached for her arm but she walked away into the bedroom. I waited to see if she was coming back but she closed the door. I sat on the couch for awhile thinking of a plan than finally headed to our bedroom

I was up staring at the ceiling since 4pm, it was now 9pm. I really didn't want to sleep. I couldn't sleep. Since Kaylah knew that Dennis punk ass was heading our way, she'd been worried sick and kept staring at me ever since Tray left as if trying to read my mind to see my next move. I sighed turning on my side staring at her sleep peacefully. The whole reason for us living in New York was to escape the drama and now it was coming for me. I sat up thinking about what Tray said, yes I am a female but I wasn't in a gang, I have no gang. But I do have my girlfriend and if acting like a gang member meant protection for her than that was what I was going to do.

I got dress and wrote Kaylah a note. I left the note pinned to the door so she'll see it. I grabbed my duffle bag of cash, sat some on the bed for Kaylah's benefit and added some clothes into the bag. I walked over to her side and kissed her forehead.

"Everything i do is for you, I love you so much".

I wiped a few tears that fell from my eyes because I knew that this would probably be the last time I see her beautiful face but her life was mine and I planned to keep her alive so that she live her life rather than my bullshit take it away. I grabbed the bag and headed out the door.

Dennis, I hope your ready to die.

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