Foul Play

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I arrived at Kaylah's house after heading home first to shower and change clothes, lucky for me my family was sleep. It was now 7pm and we were hitting Greenards Bank at 9pm so I had just enough time to spend with my baby. I knocked on her door with my left hand as I held the bag with my right. I smiled inside soon as she opened the door with nothing on but her bra and panties which soon would be off her. I slid inside her place and greeted her with a kiss.

"Mmmm I love when you do that".

"I know baby and I love when you do this".

She gave me a curious look as I grabbed her waist in admired her body. She knew what I meant.

"So what's in the bag?".

"Well uh see if I tell you than I'd have to kill you".

She giggled and pushed me playfully.


"Aiight Aiight just know I have some business to handle at 9pm so for now I'm all yours and the quicker you and I can be naked you'll see what's in this bag".

She grinned from ear to ear.

"Okay! let's go".


Meanwhile With James


"I'm heading in the front with Dennis, Trevor you cover the entrance like just act normal but if you see cops warn us, and the drop off will be Lucky's job, she's getting the Brinks Truck out the way, it comes in the back that way all we have to do is rob the building and get out quickly than she'll meet us with the cash back here".

"Okay cool".

"Okay so the plan is set".

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Where's Lucky though?".

"She'll be here, I gave her time to talk family issues out but if you know my girl like I do, this is her time to get ready if you know what I mean".

Laughter filled the room.

"We have 40 minutes left, but we should just head that way, I'm sure she'll meet us".

"Your right, they drop off in the back in the alley at 7:50....yea we out!".


I had took my hoodie off and I glanced at my phone, 7:15pm. I quickly jumped on the bed with Kaylah as she laid back naked with her legs spread out. I added more chocolate syrup on her inner thighs and licked at them making sure not to go near her pussy yet. She moaned softly, my tongue was always magical. I added whip cream on her nipples and she smiled sitting up in caressed my face.

"Baby, I want you to enjoy this too".

She wined with a sad puppy face.

"I am enjoying it, you know your moans can easily get me".

"No Lucky, just stay with me tonight don't go out".

I sighed in looked at my phone 7:36pm than I looked back at my girl. Her eyes were seriously hurt and it hurted me to know I was the reason. I sighed and stood up.

"I'm sorry but.....".

I took my phone out of my pocket in put it on do not disturb.

"..... I guess they're just going to have to be there without me".

Kaylah's eyes lit up with joy and she jumped out the bed onto me and kissed me with much passion. I laid her back down smiling and continued where I left off.


Authors POV


James ran in with Dennis by his side, they both wore black ski mask along with black outfits. Everyone stood still as they waved two guns around and aimed at the clerks. Frightened by the robbers, the clerks did what they were told filling up the bags with money as another quickly opened the vault. James and Dennis got it all. Meanwhile Trevor played his cool stopping anyone trying to get inside the back at the door by telling them everyone is out to lunch so they'll have to wait patiently for there return, seeing as it happens, the citizens nodded in his favor in waited. Trevor soon spotted the truck head to the back in signaled James with a text. Near the alley walked Isaiah, he overheard James and Dennis talking about the bank plan as they thought he was fast asleep. He knew where Lucky position was in that gave him a idea to let her know that she's in trouble and that James couldn't be trusted.

As he got closer to the alley, inside the bank a clerk sent off signals to warn the cops and Brinks truck of the robbery with her cell phone at her hip letting them know it was black young males dressed in all black. She soon got caught by Dennis and shot in the head repeatedly. The truck was now aware to not enter in watch their surroundings but it was too late as they were in the middle of unloading it, Isaiah figured Lucky was getting the dough and headed there startling a guy


Isaiah screamed as he fell to the concrete and quickly the guy called for an ambulance, Isaiah called out for Lucky.

Dennis looked over at James who looked towards the back door once they heard the gun shots and Dennis gave a look that it was time to go. They exited the front door and Trevor followed. They soon got the cash in the car and drove it to a dock nearby without anyone noticing than they changed clothes as they heard more sirens going off in an ambulance nearby they ran towards the scene.

Cops and nosey citizens were everywhere. Once James got closer they eyes were in shock. There laid Isaiah on the ground, blood everywhere. Dennis looked at James as he nodded in they all slowly walked away.

Back at Kaylah's house, Lucky never knew her phone had been vibrating while she was too busy having fun and fell asleep with her girl around 9:36pm.


[1 missed call 8:00pm]

[1 Message 8:05pm]

Hey Lucky I came by your house but you aren't home and I think I know why, I know about the bank, I'll see you soon, Isaiah.

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