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I woke up to see my beautiful girlfriend sleeping. I thought to myself on how lucky I have been to be the one in her life. Kaylah was everything to me. I smiled as she tossed a bit in bed and I kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much".

I rose out of bed, put my slippers on along with my robe than headed to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I stared into the fridge and noticed that there wasn't much so I took out eggs, waffles, and grits.

"This will have to do til we go shopping".

Once everything was cooking I heard footsteps and out popped my baby yawning as she walked in wearing my hoodie.

"Good morning my love ".

"Lucky its 6am...".

" Um ...didn't know I needed a time to say good morning".

Kaylah smiled in grabbed a hold of my hands

"No, I meant its 6am, we always cook around 8 ish".

I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist as she turned to stir the grits.

"Well I couldn't sleep and I wanted breakfast to be ready for my baby when she awoke from heaven".

She shot me a look

" Heaven?".

"Well yeah, seeing as you are my angel, I assumed that where you sleep at nights".

She cheesed so hard looking into my eyes.

"I fucking love you so much Luckynzee ".

"I love you too babe but you call me by my full name again ima have to kick your ass".

We laughed and she took some grits onto her fingertip and placed it on to my nose

" Try me Luckyyyynzeeee".

She begin to run but I caught her from behind and we fell on the couch. I started biting her neck softly as I tickled her.

"Whose trying who huh?"

"No....babe stop. I can't breath"

She was laughing up a storm, I couldn't help but continue to torture her.

"Next time you'll listen to daddy right?".

" Ahh...hhhaaahh. Yes yes!!"

After hearing her words I climbed off her and smiled. Her hair was all over her face as she pouted.

"You suck".

" But you love me".

"Mm yeah but one thing I don't love.."

"And that is.."

"Burnt grits"


I jumped up quickly returning to the kitchen luckily they were not that burnt and still edible.
Kaylah's ass laughed up a storm, I rolled my eyes giving her my "keep laughing ima hurt you look" but she didn't care. I smiled placing our food on the table and we sat down to eat.

"Thanks babe"

I nodded, "No need to thank me for this, its my job".

She reached for my free hand and we ate in peace.

The Wire: GenerationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora