New York

262 12 9

"Luuucky! Luuucky! wake up!".

I felt the bed sink in on one side.

I pulled the covers tighter around me. Kaylah's hands crept into them trying to take it off of me.

" Baby get up! its 9 a.m".

"I can see the clock Kay and the sunlight and I can hear your ass shouting".

She laughed and I finally let her pull the covers down.

" Luckynzee we been in New York for a week now. The only thing we been doing is unpacking, eating food and sleeping ".

" Yes! sleeping and I would still be sleeping if you let me ".

I groaned in tossed over.

" But baby I wanna do some New York stuff!".

I rolled over and chuckled

"Like what?...".

" Well... like you for now".

I lifted my head and smiled.

"Oh really?".

Kaylah nodded and smiled.

" Or I can just do you ".

I rose up grabbing her by her waist and flipped her on her back. She smiled and caressed my face.

" I love you Lucky".

"I love you more beautiful".


I was waiting for Kaylah to finish showering. When she woke me up earlier, and after I screewed her to death I showered as she ate than I ate in she showered. We usually would shower together but this time we just had our moment. Today I was taking Kaylah to get a view of New York city. She was thrilled to be out the apartment condo. I smiled sitting in the living room thinking about everything me and her been through that led us to living together. Hell and all but it was very worth it.

Kaylah came out smiling.

"Hey, you ready?".

"Yeah babe, let's get to it".


We were out in the city. The city I was raised in, this was my home before Los Angeles and if my mom never would have sent me away with dad, I wouldn't of have met my amazing girlfriend. We were at Central park I smiled watching people walk dogs in toss Frisbee's.

" Ooh Lucky look at that! ooh look over there! oh my god look!".

Kaylah was like a kid in the candy store. Happy as a clown. I was happy for her. She was my happiness and I'd do anything for her.

"Baabe I want a hot dog and some cotton candy".

" Alright hold on".

I pulled out a $50 and handed it to her.

"Go nuts baby in get me a uh churro".

She ran off to the stand. I was just about to company her when suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket, the number was unknown.


" Luckynzee Sanchez..".

"Who the hell is this?".

Kaylah's eyes were on me every now and then so I kept a smile to keep her from not worrying.

"mm doesn't your girl look good in her yellow top".

" Who the fuck is this!?".

"Don't worry you'll see me soon".

Before I could really react they hung up. Kaylah was walking over smiling.

" Babe this dog is bomb".

I smiled hiding my fear and anger.

"I'm glad you like it".

" Yeesh and yumm yo churro".

She grabbed it in bit it.

"Ay I said get it for me"

I snatched it from her. She laughed and kissed my lips.

"Sharing is caring".

I nodded smiling and grabbed her waist.

" Yeah yeah let's get home for I kick yo ass".

Once we were in, all the lights were off and I know for a fact we leave the kitchen one on when we leave.

Kaylah went to get the shower ready.

"Uh babe did you turn off all the lights when we were leaving?".

" Uh maybe, I was so happy to go in do something Lucky this house is great but it's nice to get out".

I nodded as she grabbed her things in went back to the bathroom. I went in the dresser in got my gun holding it to my side.

"Are you gonna join me in--".

Kaylah stopped once she saw me.

" Lucky what the hell do you have your gun for?".

"Baby someone was in here".

I was looking through everything then headed to our balcony patio. After checking that I went back in and Kaylah was standing in a different spot.

"And why do you say that someone was in here?  ".

" Because I know that you never turn off the light! ".

" Oh my god really babe, its just a light maybe it blew out".

"No Kaylah, something is up".

She threw up her hands in headed back to the bathroom.

" Join me or not okay!".

I sighed thinking yeah I was probably trippen. I put my gun down and was about to join her when I noticed that the front door was open than Kaylah screamed.


I ran quick with the gun and kicked the door open. The sight had me about to cry.

Kaylah stood next to my brother who was holding a huge teddy bear and roses.

" I told you you'll see me soon ".

He smiled seating the things down and opened his arms. I let my tears fall as I went in hugged him tightly. I missed him and my dad so much.

" We did good Kaylah ".

I pulled back looking at Kaylah.

" You knew about this!"

"Yes, I was hoping you saw the light out too cause I knew you'd be suspicious".

I smirked

" Y'all suck, I almost blew yo damn head off, you lucky l didn't just shoot".

They both laughed.

"Whatever you say dyke".

Tray grabbed me close

" Yeah yeah you dick".

We laughed in went to the living room to talk as Kaylah showered. I was glad he was here.

Have you guys missed this wild roller coaster ride??!

Stay tuned for more updates!!


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