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I arrived at the airport waiting for my dad to pick me up, yeah I could of rented a car from the lot but I wanted to chill with my dad on the ride instead. As I waited I texted Tray making sure he'll know what to do in case Dennis decided to send his boys back that way. Tray also got the memo to stay around cause I didn't need Kaylah's ass to try to come here so I wanted him to keep her safe. I smiled going through my photo album looking at pictures we took or she took with my phone.

I missed her already but I knew keeping her safe was more important. It was about 10 more minutes before my dad pulled up. He was so excited to see me and same for me, I missed him so much.

"My my Luckynzee you look more beautiful honey than the day you left".

" Aaww pop chill with that".

I smirked and he smiled.

"Oh well sweetie I am just happy to see you, cant a father compliment his own daughter?".

" Oh that's not what I am talking about, its the full name thing you do".

He looked at me than back to the road.

"Well ... I just really love your name, its unique... grandma Sanchez named you".

Right then I knew I had him hurt in his feelings. My grandma, his mom passed away when we were little and when my mom left my dad. She always wanted to be apart of something and when I was born my dad let her name me. I sighed grabbing my dads arm.

" Dad I didnt mean anything by it, you know that ".

He smiled in sighed

" Muy bien mija".

I kissed his cheek and chilled back for the rest of the drive.



I just finished showering and decided to see if Kaylah was up cause if she was I already know she was losing her mind trying to reach Lucky every way possible. I used the spare key my sister left for me and entered the apartment. I got to the bedroom and slowly opened the door. To my surprise she was still dozed off. I crept in to make sure than once i got my answer I headed out but that's when  I saw a paper on the door

Don't panic and don't trip, I got this baby but If you don't hear from me in a week, I left you plenty of cash to last you years even though you are capable to work and my brother will stay around to protect you. Treat him well once he comes see you. I'll call you, don't call me.  Again I love you Kay ..your girl Lucky.

I reread some parts again

Cash to last year's

Tray will protect you

"She's really gonna hear me".

I sat the note back in its place and was heading out the door when a clearing of the throat startled me.



Tray turned around slowly with a guilty look on his face. I noticed the note he put up and gave him a suspicious look.

"Uh Tray why are you leaving notes on our door you know you can text or call us that is why we have cell phones and how did you even get in? does lucky know your here?".

He shifted side to side then looked at the bed. I studied his face in turned to see the bed was empty on Lucky's side.

" Uhhh Luucky?......Lucky!"

I quickly got out the bed in headed into the bathroom, Tray was right on my tail.

"Uh Kaylah I think you should sit down and read this note".

I pushed him back abit

" Tray what's going on? and where's my girlfriend?!".

"My sisteer wants you to read".

He shoved a paper all in my hand causing me to lose balance in I tripped over a shoe falling on the bed.

" What's this?".

"Kaylah just read it".

My eyes became watery.

I can't believe she left me.

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