New faces

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After we finish eating Kaylah got up to wash the few dishes. I stood from the table and smiled at her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek as she rinsed and put the dishes away. She turned to me and kissed me back.

"Soo don't you start your new job today?!".

I was afraid she would bring that up. When we moved away from all the drama I told kaylah I would work and she stay home but as work got closer for me, she didn't like the idea anymore. I nodded my head slowly and she kinda frowned.

"Oh, well you should be getting ready then don't you think?".

"Kay' I won't be late and I know damn well you don't even care" .

"I care that you will be out and I will be-".

"Kaylah we went over this! Don't start please!".

"Lucky i-".

"I'm not going to lose you again..".

Kaylah smiled and carressed my face.

"Babe, everything is going to be fine, we practically killed every dude who tried to kill us, or me".

I chuckled a bit.

"Maybe but just give it time okay? I need to make sure we have enough money for us than you can work".

"Lucky we have more than enough money in you know it".

"I meant clean money not dirty".

She laughed.

"Ah, well its not my fault your a gang member ".

"Ay cut that shit, you know that is not who I am or was, James, god rest his soul, he tricked me".

She nodded, "I know I know but, still you did use to look good in them baggy clothes".

I laughed.

"Whatever, let me go shower and change, after work I'll take you out to eat so be ready at 9pm".

"Okay sweetheart".

I smiled, kissed her lips, than headed to the bedroom to start my day. I couldn't wait to work. I was always great with my hands and when I landed this construction/warehouse job, I was really happy to be making legal money.
I finished showering and tossed on my
*silk brown boxers
*black white beater
*black dickie pants
*a brown belt
*black long socks
*brown timberlands
*brown long sleeve light sweater vest
*Rolex watch

Lastly I added on my clear deodorant and a spray of my favorite cologne. I pulled my hair into a tight neat ponytail. I was too pleased with my appearance. I smiled stepping out of the bathroom.

" Are you sure your going to work or a damn club?".

"Is it too much"?.

"No, I like it, you look and smell soo good".

I smiled at her expression and pulled her into me.

"Thanks baby, I'll see you after and will have fun okay?".

"Do you know who your meeting with?!".

" Nah but I'll figure it out".

I quickly ran out the door and jumped in the elevator than headed to the parking lot and jumped in my jaguar than headed to my job.
Once I arrived, I admired all the buildings color and structure. It was well done. Everything was made of marble, even the stair rails. I got inside the building I was told to meet the manager at and studied more of the company. I picked up a pamphlet and started to read it.

"Excuse me, may I help you?".

I continued reading as I turned around "Uh yeah, I'm here to see a..."

I slowly put the papers down, staring in shock, the woman was beyond beautiful that I couldn't stop staring.

"To see....?".

"Oh my bad, um, to see the hiring manager, well I got the job but was told to meet them and I-".

"Oh you must be Luckynzee Sanchez?".

"Yees, mm yes I am".

"Nice to meet you, they told me we were getting a woman but I didnt think you'd be soo-".

"Dressing like a guy?".

"No, so attractive".

She smiled flirtatious.

"Well thank you".

You definitely aren't bad yourself

"I'm Candice Broads, I'm taking over for Mr.Gangs, he usually does this but he's sick and I am going to be helping you out".


" Follow me and I'll get you started".

As we walked, I would catch her giving me looks but I wasn't bothered by it, I had my own waiting for me at home and I wasn't going to let another female take that focus.

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