Dirty little secrets

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I headed back home not in the mood for my dad or Trays ass but when I got in they weren't home. I guessed they were probably out looking for me. I shook my head as I found a note on the counter.

(Sweetie, if you're reading this please stay home, went to the store, will talk later on. Love Dad.)

I sighed at the thought of what he wanted from me and why was he so angry. I wasn't sure if it was my period pissing me off or the fact that Mikes been treating me like I was 12. I tossed the note in the garbage than headed to the fridge to get a snack.

"Hmm what do I have a taste for?".

I rubbed my chin glancing through the fridge that was pretty empty.

"No wonder they ass went shopping".

I slammed the door closed and as I stared at the wall, their was a knock on the door. I headed to open it seeing Isaiah standing there.


He was silent.

"Dude its like 7pm, what are you doing here?".

He still said nothing so I opened the door widely in stepped closer to him as I did I noticed that he was crying.

"Hey hey what's wrong?".

I kneeled down beside him and he shook his head covering his face.

"Ay lil dude you have to tell me what's wrong!".

He stood silent so I brought him inside so we can get away from the cold. He finally let his hands down and I was shocked to see he had a black eye and a bruised upper lip.

"Isaiah who did this!!?".

He cried harder staring at me. My blood boiled. Who would really put there hands on a little kid, yeah people do it but it isn't right.


He still stood silent.

"That's it I'm calling James".


He took a hold of my arm. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Wait here!...ay who is it?".


I let James in and he looked right pass me and focused behind me.

"What's all this?".

"Ay James I don't know, he showed up on my porch, I was just about to call you".

James nodded as Isaiah stood there scared.

"Come on Saiah! let's go!".

"But I want to stay--".

"I said let's go boy!!".

I quickly went into mom mold.

"James its cool if he--".

"No!, he has homework to do".

I looked at Isaiah.

"Yea uh I do, see you around Lucky".

James grabbed Isaiah's arm in they walked out. I watched out the window to see if they were heading in his home direction and yea they were. Relieved I was that James would handle the situation and as bored as I was I called my girl. She didnt answer so I just headed to bed.


Meanwhile with James and Isaiah


"What did I tell you about stealing from me!!?".

James took the bat and hit Isaiah's mom smoove across the face, blood immediately squirted from her left eye. 

"Noo!!! don't!!!!".

Isaiah ran to help but Dennis held him back.

"Lil man you know the consequences, reason your even with James because of your crack head parents!".

Dennis tossed Isaiah towards his mom. Than walked to the side and grabbed a hold of the father. He sat him by them and pulled Isaiah from his mother.

" Let that bitch go!!", James shouted as he struck Isaiah's arm with the bat.

"Oooouuuucchhh!!", Isaiah cried out releasing his mom.

"Now what you want me to do with these two James?", Dennis asked rubbing his heads together.

"I got this nigga, you do whatever you think they deserve, no one steals from me!".

Dennis nodded as James snatched up Isaiah.

"And Isaiah if you try to attempt to tell Lucky again, this will be her!".

Dennis smiled as he repeatedly hit the mom and dad with the bat making blood and there bone began to show. As they screams turned silent he than took the gasoline and poured it onto there bodies from head to toe. He struck a match from his pocket and tossed it there way, walking out the door.

"Hahahaa now that's a fucking fire!", James cheered excitedly holding Isaiah tight as the three watch flames come through the windows.

"Let's get back to my spot before the cops show".

"And Isaiah, not a word you hear me?".

"Yes James".


I couldn't really sleep. I tossed in turned than decided to check the time. 9pm.


I was beginning to sit up when I heard my dad in Tray downstairs.

I heard footsteps get closer to my room. Pretending I was sleep my door opened and my father yelled out to Tray. I rolled my eyes seeing that he still wanted 'to talk' with me. He disappeared out from my view and I just stared at my ceiling waiting for tomorrows big day.

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