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Have you ever felt like you didn't belong anywhere and you felt that way so much that you wanted to die? Yeah!? me too.

My names Luckynzee but I prefer to be called Lucky. Damn, I hated my mother for naming me, I wish my dad did. My moms Puerto Rican and my dads black. I have one older brother and I'm the only girl. I'm 17, he's 19. I hate being the baby but more so I hate that were moving. We left New York today, leaving my mom with her new boyfriend.

There is a fresh start for my dad in LA, he received this new job offer and as for me, I am going to have a new school and friends that I am not going to have. I never had friends. I'm a loner. I was bullied a bit in school for dressing like a dude, so I knew LA would be no different.

I sighed heavily as we approach our new home.

Home. Great.

My dad parked the car and looked back in the rearview mirror with all smiles.

"So what do you think mija?. Its nice right!?".

I shrugged in rolled my eyes than got out the car to take in the atmosphere.

We had a 2 story home now. It had a huge yard in front with a cool passage for the  driveway. Tray was already out the car taking pictures.

"Oh shit pop, this is going to be great. I can see it now, major girls all over here!"

I smirked at my playboy of a brother's reaction. Tray always had the friends and the girls but that's because Tray was the popular one in school. Probably wondering how I didnt get the same treatment seeing as he was my brother? Well that's because not many people wanted to hang with the lesbian sister who hid under a black hoodie all day. And I didn't care, I was use to being alone.

I sighed looking around more at the house and neighborhood as Tray in dad brushed passed me with boxes.

"Come on Lucky, we aren't going to be doing this ourselves!", dad yelled back my way.

I watched them for a second than turned to the car in grabbed what I could and joined my family. Moving in took about 3 hours. Not bad. My dad finished the kitchen and decided to cook dinner.

"Pops this looks great!", said Tray grabbing a biscuit roll.

"Nothing but the best for my kids", dad smiled biting into his chicken breast.

I played with my macaroni and cheese dabbing pieces with my spoon.

"Lucky, aren't you hungry?", dad said staring right at me.

"I'll eat once I'm back home", I replied dryly.

He cleared his throat, "This is home now".

"Nah, mine is back in New York", I replied folding my arms.

" Lucky don't start this again okay, hell, I got a fresh job here and I know we all can use a fresh start".

"Maybe you can!", I slammed my hands on the table, "But I loved New York dad!, I was getting use to how my life was there now I have to start all over!".

"Now hold on missy that raising your voice needs to stop!", my dad put his head forward looking right into my eyes. I turned my head to see that Tray had stopped eating as he glanced over at dad than me.

"Why'd I have to move here, I could have stayed with ma!".

"Oh hell Luckynzee, your own damn mother didn't want you guys and I'm trying girl I am trying!! but as long as you are my kid you will live under my roof! got it!?".

I looked at my plate holding back tears.

"Yes sir".

"Good!! now eat your food in you can go up to your room".

After that breakdown, I was finally in my room to enjoy it after everything was in place. I took in the new paint smell. Yuck. I walked around some more, I had my own bathroom and the closet was huge so that was a plus.  Even though I wasn't really happy still coming here I tried to see the positive in tje situation and the positive was I was in a new state, no one knew me, and that was my chance to be the real me.

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