1 year pass

919 16 0


"Everybody down, everybody down!!"

"Okay nobody move!!"

"Will make this quick and easy people!!"

Everyone was on the floor covering their heads and crying. I watched my best friend shove his gun in the clerks face as the other 3 guys grabbed as much money as they could out of the safe. I couldn't believe what I was doing.

Robbing a bank.

The room seemed like it was moving in slow motion, I had sweat beads on my neck and forehead for sure. These damn mask had me sweating more than my nerves. Not making it out alive was my only thoughts.

"Didnt I say don't move?!!"


The gunshot startle me out of my thoughts. James had shot a man in the arm. I panicked.

"Alright alright that's enough cash lets go!!"

Everyone gave me a look than looked at James.

"Let's go!!".

I repeated over and over. James jumped off the counter in ran towards the safe, looking in than back at me.

"Its still a couple of stacks in here!!".

"Leave it for him to fix his damn arm!!". I pointed out to the guy James injured.

By this time we were arguing but the sound of a alarm system going off told James I was right.

"Let's go!!".

We headed out quickly through the back making our way to the garage. Tossed our gear in clothes into a bin. We all had under clothes on. We hopped into the car in sped off til we were in the public eye, we drove slower so we wouldn't seem suspicious. We approached the house in ran inside, Dennis tossed the money bags on the table. In we 5 stared in silence. I moved closer in opened the bags, no one stopped me so I continued by pouring the 3 bags on the table. Stacks were piled up in some even fell on the floor.


Dennis startled us all.

"What the fuck D'!", I snapped at him holding my chest

"We did that shit Lucky!".

I smiled, James smiled.

"Hell yea we did!!".

We all hugged one another in took out James money counters in began to get to work. Good thing James lived alone cause there was no way in hell we could explain how we had almost $1,000,000,000. We all got our shares into separate bags and I headed home. Once I got home I saw that nobody's car was parked in the driveway, but what caught my attention was another car park on the street, there was a moving van. I stared at the van for a while and finally saw someone walk out, it was girl she was beautiful from the back in about the time that she turned around, her hair was long and curly and she was wearing capri jeans and a blue top. She was black or mixed. She was carrying a heavy box and it looked like she lost her balance so I quickly drop my bag near the gate and ran to her rescue. I'll caught her before she fell in the nick of time.

"Oh my god dude thank you!", she said as I released my grip on her waist in she dusted off her hands.

"Its so nice to have a-".

She stopped in mid sentence as she stared at me, finally looking at her savior.

"Uh your a fe-".

"male but I'm reminded of that each time I look in the mirror".

She paused in looked me up in down. I was wearing my favorite hoodie, baggy black jeans, and boots.

"Um what is it Halloween?", she smiled.

"Well if it is your the sexiest angel I'd ever seen".

She blushed.

"Why are you dressed like this?".

Oh because me and my homies  just robbed a bank.

"Like what?!".

"A guy".

I sighed. Damn girl never saw a stud before.

"Well I' like to dress comfortably".

She nodded in looked back into her trunk.

"Well uh I have a lot to unpack, thanks for your help, by the way I'm Kaylah".

She held out her hand, I shook it than walked off to retrieve my bag.

"Ay I didnt get your name!?", she yelled

"I didn't give it!".

I yelled back smiling. She smiled in continued her unpacking.  I headed in looking back her way. Kaylah. I smiled in headed to my room, tossed the bag in my closet than laid on my bed, I was staring at the ceiling til I dozed off.

The Wire: GenerationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora