Can we Talk

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I woke up in the middle of the night. 11pm. I cursed under my breath because I hated when that happened, it was always hard for me to get back to sleep. Every since I stopped abusing my pills, I had sleeping issues but only my dad knew that, we didnt tell Tray. I sighed staring at the ceiling not being able to sleep so I got out of bed, went to change my tampon in freshen up alittle then decided to take in LA night.

I put on my sweat pants and favorite hoodie and slow walked down stairs. I grabbed a bottle water out the fridge than headed out the door. Locking it, I heard a noise behind me, I turned around swiftly to see Kaylah taking out her garbage. Damn she looked good in her night gown. I smiled as I slowly approached her as she began dumping her last trash bin.

"Hey you".

She put the last bin down looking stunned to see me but than smiled.

"Uh ..oh hey Lucky".

She quickly covered herself with the trash bin and bit her bottom lip. I was amused at that. Shyness was attractive. I folded my arms in laughed.

" Kaylah its cool, were both females, I know what's behind garbage number one".

I laughed again but she didnt find my joke funny instead she groaned.

"Uh but uh you dress like a guy and I don't so.. ".

I sucked my teeth.

"Kaylah. I'm a stud. I'm sure you got the hint".

She stared than let out a sigh.

"Yea I know plenty...but uh nice talking to you I have to go".

She grabbed her trash bins so quick trying to rush away causing one to fall in front of her and her to fall right along with it. I quickly acted in went to save her for the second time.

"Are you alright?", I asked her in a stern voice.

She nodded still looking down.

"I scrapped my knee".

I double checked as if she was lying. Blood was on the ground and a little on her palm. I sighed heavily and took the trash bins in sat them in her yard than returned to her as she sat on the ground.

"I'm going to help you back in your house is that okay?"

She looked at it than back at me and I swear to you we sat there for a minute or two. I shook my head.


she jumped, "Uh yea sure".

I grabbed her arm and her other arm held my shoulder as she limped and I supported her weight. We got back in the house and she sat on the couch frowning. I ignored her face as I took in her spot, it was cool as hell, she was a excellent decorator. I smiled.

" You did all this yourself?".


"Dope, its beautiful".

Her frown than lit up to a smile.

"Really!? you think so? because I take after my mom, I told myself once I got on my own place I always wanted to be like her and try my own thing".

" Well yea you out did yourself baa-".

She cocked her head in chuckled. If only she knew that I almost called her baby. I shook my head slow.

" Well uh I'll let you go clean that off and get to bed or whatever".

I turned to the door.

"Uh Lucky....".

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