At the edge of death chapter 1

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Hey this is a new style of story a zombie post apocalyptic one . I really hope you guys enjoy . All elements of the story are fictional any resemblance is pure coincidence

At the edge of death
By ink_vendetta

Chapter 1 Jebedaiha
" Look at everything i've manage to build" he had truly achieved success . Bought the land from his father for a price way higher than the worth of what he what it was worth but for the sake of it staying in the family ,his father was an abusive and violent alcoholic . Jebedaiah ha d been extremely lucky , the priest of the church near his house had took him under his wing ,making him the man he was today, he had somehow manage to make the farm work, as a matter of fact , it was  one of the more successful of the village, he even had so customers who owned restaurant  . Yes, you could say he was truly proud, he was the man hed had wanted his dad to be , Jeb couldnt thing  of what could he wanted more , he married his college sweetheart Tiffany ,together they had three kids, Justin,Sarah and Pezzie . Justin was the stereotype  black sheep ... a musician who had move to the city" man what a wasted the world was yours " he tough sadly hoping he would take care of the farm one day . A prodigy his son had been called by teacher ,at least he still had his daughters  Sarah and Pezzie , Sarah who was  a veterinarian  , she was crucial around the farm, at time she manage to be more useful than himself he was so proud of the woman she had become and then there was Pezzie,   he laughed thinking of Pezzie . What a little hard head pest , that one never ever listened, though child to raised  , but her heart , oh her heart was made of gold , she was a child of god , he smiled as  he remembered that one time , when she was around eight or nine ,she would sneak food out of the house on multiple occasion. Jebedaiha had tried punishing her  ,reprimanded her on several occasion , tell her gluttony was one  of the seven sins ,alas nothing had worked. So one day, Jebedaiha had decided to follow her, trying  to discover , she had walked far , farther than he had expected what was she hiding, after a while he finally discovered , it was a very ,very crude nest  made of clothes , some journal paper  and food leftover .All that work , but why, that's when he found it a wounded stray dog  , and she had a bunch of  puppies . Pezzie was like that other would always come first , Christ even her had changed so much ,she was pregnant now ,when will they stop growing.... He thought  as he missed simpler time when all three of his kid where running around the house. He was so lost in thought ,that he had use the lord name in vain , he was surprise that wasnt  like  him ,he was a good church member , the church had gave him so much. Another thing he had to be proud of accomplished , was his faith ,it was had kept him goimg all those years.
- Dinner served ! screamed  his wife .
- Coming ! Echoed both of  his daughters
Today was a big celebration, it had been nerve wrecking  , they were finally going to  know the sex of the Pezzie baby he though excitedly. Today was going to be favorite meal, he thought happily,  his wife was  having baby fever . Sure,  she was past forty, but some of  their night , they still acted like silly teenager , it sounded like tonight was gonna be one of those  .
- Justin listen to your mother and come downstairs , dont make me come up ... he stopped himself ,he would often forget how much he was missing his son . Never having a good relationship with his father  he didnt exactly know how to be a good father , his son was a lot older than his daugthers , he felt guilty , but most of all he had felt like he had let down his son . All of this was gonna meant to be  his , he thought sadly . Before he had  even crossed the doormat , Jebedaiha was hearing  the tv, it was blaring news  about the recent raise of violence and attacks  in the streets it had been especially rough this past week.
- These people need to find god and fast thats what they need to do . Said Jebedaiha loudly trying to bury the sound of the television.
- they're sick dad, it is not  there fault  . Said Pezzie
- Eh ! it is just some tv propaganda . He answered  
- Dad!  please dont forget !We're celebrating, implored sarah
After ,he had finished the meal,he drank some coffee , then  he took his coat ,he called Pezzie to go to get in the car they had to go to the hospital
They laughed on the road telling stories of her childhood , he had  always loved his little Pezzie , he knew he was wrong to have a favorite child , but he couldnt help it  . Always in trouble that one  , but she  knew how to get his softer side  , that and the fact that she wouldn't talk back manage to get her off trouble more than once . Arrived at the hospital Jebedaiha jaw dropped . Nurse where wearing some  hazmat suit , people where frantic , the whole place was chaotic .
- Wait here Pumpkin, ill go find, what is going on. He told his daughter before heading to the desk .
But she was already gone ,helping the nurse , he laughed happily thinking that he had raised a good kid . As he went to the receptionist desk, he had  asked about the situation , but  she wouldn't explain anything . Those damn city people he taught no sense off community , damn millennial and there social media  , when he heard a scream , he turned around and realize in shock , it was Pezzie that had  screamed . Thats when he saw , a man had bitten his own daughter and was on top of her. Pulling the man off his daughter , but he was resisting the man strengh ,was surprising  " man that kid was something else " he remembered seeing a tv report some sort of documentary, speaking on how the effect of drugs was affecting the minds and he didnt think anymore, that made enough sense to him
- May god forgive you and youre junkie way, may he have pity on your soul, he told the man
They decide to leave the hospital and go back home .During the whole car ride , Pezzie was crying and screaming
- It burns dad , it burns so much

He didnt know what was going on...

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