chapter 30

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Chapter  30 Pezzie

-Cant believe its already been five years Dad ,things are going great here , we traded in a porc with that military town you remember them and it was a great deal too , guess Rebecca really learned from you , we just found two people too , don't know much about them but it bring our total to one hundred twenty four .We had a running with queen gambit , remember the band of scavenger with overpriced stuff , went on a shopping spree , bought you a bible

Pezzie took a deep breath, petted princess , then say

-That's pretty much sums it up , not a day goes by where I don't miss you , I just hope you'd be proud of what we build .

-He would be , everyone is proud of you , honey,  you changed this place before you even reach fifteen it be hard not to be proud , said Parker

She turned around and kissed him , before saying

-Hey , Park how long have you been listening to me

-Im not listening , im just enjoying some cobbler.

-Second portion of cobbler , she said , someone should call the cops .

They both laugh , the Omallys family were the police around here ,Parker and her had been dating for a couple of years now ,things were going great , it made her think of the first time they met , how the town had changed .The beginning was hard ,turning people into survivalist had been a piece of cake , luckily the town had an amazing library .Turns out , even the apocalypse could be studied , the second hardest thing , had been to establish a trusting bond with the military town , those guy were tough , with all their sir and general .Turns out they didn't like the rich and comfort of her town , but a couple of generous trade and the proof they could survive out there , had solidified the bond between town .They even had a small community  of scavenger doing the dirty work .But her biggest accomplishment was the bond with zombieland , yeah yeah cliché named but the work she had done there was nothing short of extraordinary , it had taken some time and a lot of effort but they had succeed to study the infected ,they were fascinating , even docile .Turns out her father theory had been on point , sure theyre was lesser evolved infected here and there but you could spot them a mile away. Life was comfortable here , more than comfortable .Finn had a gold mine , all he needed to do was to give those people a sense of purpose . And with today shipment of solar panel , life would get even better , sure it had come at a huge prize which was a fully armorized bus , months of work for some panel . She walk around town , looking at what her ,the Omallys and Thomaz had built , a child bump into her and laugh before restarting to run. Life was good here , she had to hurry , she had a busy day .She had a leader meeting  then the interview . The town meeting went good , some problem came up but nothing they couldn't come up with , a wall needing repair , basic inventory issue , with only one item hard to come by  and of course people taking more than their share of the food  mostly some cheese and sausage , she thought of Parker .If those problem where the biggest problem of today , it was gonna be a good day .Only one thing left for today and then she could partake in today event a soccer game , those event were always the highlight of her day nothing better to bring a community together , nothing better to keep them entertain. The interview went way better than expected they were a real find , a gift on the anniversary of the dead of this town first leader .They were  a group of three , the first man  was a chemist , she wasn't sure what he could do much with what they  have but anything was better than nothing , the second was a architech it could prove useful for the town defences. They both pointed the third person as the leader of the group . She was a tough looking woman , the interview was gonna be crucial , they needed people with leadership skill , three to lead close to one hundred thirty people wasn't enough a fourth could be making her life better.
-Hi im Pezzie , im one of the person in charge we would be happy to welcome your group in this community , you survive this far along on the road , wed like to ask you question if you don't mind
-Im Chrissie you got a lot going on here , sure i guess i can answer some question
- What did you do before shit hit the fan , ask Pezzie
- I enrolled in the army ,I was a combat medic  she answered
What a find Pezzie thought  , not only did she know how to survive but she had medicinal knowledge .The stakes were high

-Where you on the road , the whole time , asked Pezzie

-No we were in a greenhouse , we were originally ten but one of us craved meat , he wanted more than vegetable and fruit , he got bitten and infected seven of us . I killed them all , after that we stayed in the green house , for a while .

Her story reminded her of her own , she had done the same in the twinkie factory , she felt for the women

-Why did you leave the green house , finally ask Pezzie

-We just had a feeling there was more out there , with three people the greenhouse was too much work .Said Chrissie

-That settle it, you three are now member of Ridgeway ,  please do your best to integrate and participate in the community effort and im sincerely happy to tell you that you are safe, said Pezzie

Chrissie got up and shook her hand , Pezzie was pretty happy those three would prove useful , Chrissie worried her a bit ,she didn't seem the extrovert style , but all in all it had been a great day , she had accomplish a lot , she watched the soccer game cuddle up with Parker , she love seeing the whole town reunite
Laughing and enjoying , it made her feel like she had accomplished something, she kissed Parker
- What did I do to earn that , ask her partner
- Just shut up and enjoy tonight your getting lucky , said Pezzie
In the corner of her eye she saw the three newcomers cheer at a goal , they were having fun. Maybe her fear of them having a hard time accepting community life after so long on their own was non founded .Three days later , she had found work for all three , when she met Chrissie by pure luck.
-Hi Chrissie, said Pezzie
-Hey Pezzie , how are you , she answered
- Im pretty good ,  thank you , hope you are enjoying the town , she ask
- It better than expected , this place is paradise , answer Chrissie
That filled her heart with Joy  ,

-I need to talk to you , said Chrissie I wasn't totally honest .

Pezzie was shocked ,  Chrissie had lied , she couldn't see about what , she review the interview in her head , perhaps she was not a medic , maybe she just said that to sell herself .

-We didn't  leave the green house because it was to much work , started Chrissie

-Its okay  we all had to do thing we aren't proud off the apocalypse change people no matter the act I will not judge you , answer Pezzie

-Its not that , we left because of what we saw , said Chrissie before stopping

-Tell me, if it's a danger  to the town I have to know , said Pezzie

-We saw... we saw a woman leading a horde of zombie it was massive the whole ground was trembling, they aren't headed this way but theyre only at a five maybe six days distance .

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