chapter 25

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Chapter Jebedaiah
They ate listening to the tale of Finn , stories about today gossip of the community , then Thomaz asked him if he needed anything from the hardware store , to which he gave him a list he had personally  wrote  . Jebedaiah felt guilty , he wanted to go with them , he knew the importance of scavenging safely , they had loads of food , they even had a decent number of people between these gates . But every live mattered . However , his job was also important , there would be vitamin in these crops , they could harvest next year seed  from this yield. He was ashamed to admit , no matter how great this place was , Pezzie was more important . Speaking of Pezzie , where was she , she was speaking to two boys and laughing , it warmed his heart , seeing her laugh .

-Ah the Omallys boys , said Finn you would think that with theyre father being a cop ,they wouldn't be such trouble maker but in the end they are good kid, the older one is Parker and the youngest is Ben .

Jebedaiah had to admit he was curious , he felt bad but this was the apocalypse , name mattered little but profession, well more like skillset mattered in a community . He had no idea what was the range of skill this place had . He wasnt sure  , how to ask without sounding rude but it was a question that had to be ask

-Im having a hard time with name ,I have to apologize ,what are the people profession around , it might hep me remember them better , Jeb lied

Finn was surprised , but quickly answered

-Let me think , he started , Well Thomaz here is a pretty good cook , im great at recruiting people , we have a doctor , we have a police officer , an engineer , a woodsculptor , we have a hair dresser , a teacher , a couple of lawyers , a musician ,who am I forgetting , we have a home decorator an electrician , a plumber and now we have a farmer .

Okay thought Jeb , some were completely useless but theyre was a couple of good one , all in all it was positive , it was reassuring . He was grateful for that information .

-Impressive what you have accomplished as a leader and im looking forward to meeting all of them ,said Jeb

Thomaz started to laugh and Finn offered a shy smile ,

-Im not really a leader , this is more of a democratic  situation, it's the new world we want to give everyone a voice ,said Finn

It was a good decision , it was the right decision, but it couldn't be good . Desperate time called desperate measure ,unfortunately not everyone was capable of making these hard decision or even the right decision for that matter  . Not everyone was fit to lead , it was the harsh reality . They spent the rest of the evening talking about sports and cars . Jebedaiah wasn't really interested but he act like he was trying to make a good impression, regardless of the situation. They went back home to a smiling Pezzie .

-Im glad you made some new Friend, he told her

-Yeah Parker is great and Ben is the funniest kid around.she said

A big sensation of warmth took over him , he knew that face , he knew that situation, he had saw it with Sarah and with Pezzie . She had like that Omallys  kid  , he was just hoping that he was good for her . Ah who was he kidding , Pezzie was a catch ,no boys could ever be at her level . It gave him a sensation of what life use to be , it felt good .He hugged Pezzie, who was still talking, with fatherly love, she hugged him back even Princess ,joined the hug. They went to bed shortly after .He was optimistic about tomorrow , is first day as a participants of the community ,as he arrived at the field he saw Rebecca already working , he was gratefull that she was so hardworking . Farm work is hard work .

-Morning Rebecca , he said 

-Good morning , she answered , what are the plans for today

They started by watering the plant , a bunch of them had bruise from Rebecca overworking them , they were at the edge of the community , they started to hear growls. Rebecca expression change completely, Jebedaiah didn't understand  they were surrounded by gates ,why was she so afraid.

-Its okay , we are safe here don't worry , he reassured her

-Yeah but you know , it's the apocalypse , she answered

Jebedaiah had heard enough , four different time, people had told him the same sentence

-Rebecca please tell me, what is really going on here , I know your afraid but I need to know for my daughter . he lied

He felt awful lying ,he felt even worse using Pezzie but  desperate time , desperate measure . She look around before saying

-Listen, i am not suppose to talk about it but they have been  a number of these showing up at the door , usually they just stumble around the wall ,not doing anything but lately they been showing at the front gate , as if they knew it was the entrance and then the weird part is that one of these zombie look human , she told him

-But the gate are holding ,this place is secured , said Jeb surprised

-Last time , they stayed in front of the gate for a whole week ,she said

This was bad , really bad ,he remembered his trip to the town, which wasn't that far , maybe only a four , maximum five day walk , the one that looked more human were smarter and gave order , they could possibly remember this location , a couple of zombies wouldn't do much damaged but in big number who knows .Flinn had chosen to ignore the problem. He had to hear his excuse ,as he left to meet him he could hear Rebecca screaming  and begging to stop but this was too important , life was too good here , he wouldn't risk it .He went to see Flinn, on his way he past by where the gate was , there was a bunch of zombies grouped there, finally he found him with Thomaz looking over a map, when he noticed Jeb ,Finn said .

-Ah Jeb ,come in, come in ,already here with a report on our field  now that what I call professionalism

-You lied to us , Jebedaiah said angrily

-Please Mr.J calm down , i am sure we can fix your problem

The face of the community recruiter change .

-Leave us alone  Thomaz , he ordered

-But sir , stammered Thomaz

-I said to leave us alone , Finn repeated

With that Thomaz left the two of them alone.

-Now breathe and explain to me the situation.

- You haven't told us about the zombie problem , they know where this place is,said Jebedaiah

- Its more complicated than this , you wouldn't have understood ,said Finn

- I know more  about zombies than you think , i have seen what you saw ,  a bizarre hierarchy or something along these line

- So you saw it too , they can give the zombies some order , I thought our brain would be our biggest advantage , but if some of them are capable of thinking , then these walls are our only hope , we have even seen a town where they seem to enter and leave from freely, said the salesman

Jeb had calmed down , it wasn't denial as he once thought , it was cowardice , the apocalypse would do that to most people

- We are safe her , the number of them it would take just to open these gate , tried Jeb

      Flinn smiled  nodding . Minute later a man wearing a cop uniform came running in the office ,
- Ah mister Omalyss , I believe you've met our new farmer , said Finn
- They've enter the gate , sir. They have breach the entrance

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