chapter 23 jay

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They enter the house , Jay was thinking and thinking , he didn't know where to start , he believed Jesus ,when he said that some people were still loyal to him , but he was also right in saying Reggie was feared.  Fear could sometime push people to be less loyal .Sure the omega could be saved ,they would follow anyone , as long as you were an alpha or a beta they would follow ,but he needed beta , he wasn't blind , he couldn't be overseeing  the whole town ,he would need help . Wrong move and Reggie would know , they explore the house , till they find the cellar , a noise came from upstairs ,the  zombies must have finish eating Jesus . What he had just said he knew the reality yet these thoughts felt like stranger , the noise were now closer , he could hear a voice

-Jesus ,Jesus are you there, ask the infected upstairs ,

Did they get caught  , it couldn't be, not so soon , did Jesus died for nothing

• Lets stay hidden, said Samantha

But the infected was whispering , why was it being so careful , Jay decided it was time to risk  it all . He hoped he was making the decision, as he left ,Sam made a move to grab him, to stop him ,he opened the door , he remembered that damned he was the one who helped Jesus trained the new omega . Was he close to Jesus , there eyes met , Juan saw confusion then sadness .

• Where is Jesus , i thought you were hold in the same place , the beta asked

Jay didn't have to answer , Sam came up , the man knew .

-Jesus sacrifice himself ,the stanger said , we knew he would do something like that, we knew he felt guilty, that's why we made sure that he was always surrounded  .

Wait  he had said we , what did "we "mean , this man was up to something

• What do you mean by "we" , ask Jay

• By "we", im talking about the group , the one of us , that is still supporting Jesus , still supporting his ideal , we are a group of beta .

It was exactly what Jay was looking for but it came too easily, how had this happen , it might have been a trap , he had to find a way to make sure that they were not pushing him in a  trap .But if he pushed too hard , they might not follow , after all if they were honest  and told the truth, they were loyal to Jesus not him . He had to not only win theyre trust , but make sure that they could be trusted .

• Why are you still supporting Jesus ,ask Sam

Well so far for thinking , but that was as good any as anything he would have come up with , Sam had done great considering the situation.

• Because , he was always the  only leader of this town, answer the beta

• I thought ,Reggie was also a leader , said Sam

• In the beginning, yes , we even thought he was the better leader , Jesus wasn't there, he was always coming to this house , said the beta ,then his wife got out and Reggie dark side came out , sure ,he leads but we feared him more than anything else.

• They why didn't the groups you are part of , took care of Reggie , protect this town, said Jay

The man looked away ,and said

-Reggie might not be a leader , but he's the most productive alpha , he brings in a lot of omega and beta , more than half of this town

Jay was starting to trust this man,  the situation wasn't perfect , but it had improved .Just having a clearer harder .

• If you came here , you must have a plan ,said Jay,

• We do ,but we will need all of us, we have to act fast, Reggie isn't in town , but he will be back

• Perfect we will wait for you ,said Sam

They waited almost half a day , the doubt started to steep in, but as promise they did show up . They were only  five , it was less than he expected , a lot less, but beggars couldn't be chooser ,the plan basically was  to hide and to slowly  get all of the omega together , that way if the non- infected were to come in attack they would be safe , Reggie would keep on living and thankfully they had all of the beta in town .Jay and Samantha would keep on hiding , as the beta gathered  intel . The plan had work when better than expected six beta (Sam included) were fast worker , they had finished before Reggie had come in, talking about waiting for Reggie he was taking a long time. .But he did come back , as planned, everyone were hiding in the basement, they were packed in .There was a little less than half the town which was better odd that they were hoping for .They couldn't see the scene but heard multiple groans, the cellar didn't give much views nor any  sounds . Had they made a mistake , the plan had a flaw , inside the cellar they didn't know when Reggie was coming or when he was going , he remembered ,Jesus talking about there being a second door , a beta offer to go in his stead , but Jay had decided that he would be the symbol that Jesus was and the doer Reggie used to be . He exited the cellar , he made sure to be as silent as possible , what he witness was terrible , Reggie was there with at least ,three dozen zombies , you could tell by how aggressive they were , why were they so aggressive , just when, he thought  it couldn't get worse he heard gunshot. The once safe haven ,that this town has represent was now the field of a battle .

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